Even the best get it oh so wrong!
By haven4plants
To all those keen gardeners out there. I realised my great big, huge, faux pas as soon as I pressed “publish”. I could argue I’d done it on purpose to check you were paying attention – like – spot the deliberate mistake. Mistake it most certainly was and I will bear the embarrassment like a man (you know what I mean).
The stipa isn’t a stipa it’s a phalaris! This error on my part, I accept is pay back from the garden fairies for my not mowing the lawn, or possibly the fact that I am old and the brain is as worn out as the old body :-(
I am absolutely fine knowing that any one following this will be laughing their socks off at my expense. I deserve it, indeed, I will become a better person (gardener) for it!
25 Apr, 2010
Previous post: Just a quickie!!!!
Next post: Casualties at The Haven
I didn't notice anything, don't worry. please can you tell me where i can buy the chilli red fuchsia that you spoke about, they are my favourite plants, and i've lost so many this year. you can send me a pm.
25 Apr, 2010
You can edit blogs and photos to correct any mistakes. Click where it sais 'edit this blog' and you can make any corrections you need.
25 Apr, 2010
We haven`t seen your mistake yet as there are no pictures.
25 Apr, 2010
Hey, I can add comments on my own blog - well I never! The pics are on the What a Scorcher entry. Sorry to confuse all - new to this - can you tell? :D
26 Apr, 2010
P.s. The fuchsia Chilli Red is sold under licence by R A Meredith trading as Blooms (of Bressingham). I have also seen it on the internet with Simply Seeds and Plants. Though it is our baby, we aren't allowed to sell it because of the licence thing. We have Mummy plant and a couple of babies but that's all :-)
26 Apr, 2010
Recent posts by haven4plants
- Doesn't time fly????
26 Jun, 2010
- Rain finally stopped play!
30 Apr, 2010
- It didn't rain - hurrah!
29 Apr, 2010
- Thank you everyone :D
28 Apr, 2010
- A Little Ditty
27 Apr, 2010
- Casualties at The Haven
26 Apr, 2010
didn`t spot the mistake haven as i havn`t found the pics yet...! or are you just testing me..?
25 Apr, 2010