we`ve weathered the storm.
By hollyeves
How glad i am that the awfull winds of sunday night monday and tuesday are now over……….ohhhh for the joys of living next to the sea. The sea was really rough and i qiute expected to wake up and find the sea rolling down our road….. we were lucky here a lot of people on the south coast wernt.
The only damamge i had was 3 fence pannels down beloning to a neighbour who was very good and got them off my flower beds very quickly. but alas it was to late to save my tamarisk of which i have been watching with interest each day as it was growing well and looked as if it would flower this year.the top half broke right off but i think i have saved the rest of it. the garden is like a bog from all the rain. I was amazed to see that my wallflowers were ok and just pushed over a bit. also my bulbs that were still coming through seem to be ok… its amazing how quickly the plants recover.
lets hope thats it for this year …….. my plants and i are looking forward to the summer…………………….
13 Mar, 2008
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Poor plants Holly. Hope they make a full recovery and give you a wonderful display
13 Mar, 2008
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Glad to hear that you got through the stom without too much dammage. It is amazing how plants do recover. Every summer I am amazed to see my garden after it was covered with 3 feet of snow and ice all winter. Enough with wind storms and snow ! Like you, I'm READY for spring and summer.
13 Mar, 2008