Hywel has added 0 reminders.
x Dracaena deremensis
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 1 photo
x Dracaena marginata
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 0 photos
x Dracaena marginata tricolor
x Ficus benjamina
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 2 photos
x Ficus microcarpa
x Hoya carnosa
x Impatiens niamniamensis
x Iresine herbstii
x Iresine lindenii
x Jasminum polyanthum
x Ledebouria socialis 'violacea'
Added on 14 Dec, 2014 | 0 photos
Formerly Scilla violacea
x Maranta macoyana
x Not Known
Added on 31 Oct, 2014 | 0 photos
x Pilea cadierei
Added on 4 Feb, 2014 | 1 photo
x Plectranthus ciliatus
x Polyscias balfouriana
x Sansivieria trifasciata hahnii
x Sansivieria trifasciata laurentii
Added on 2 Feb, 2014 | 1 photo
x Scheflera arboricola
x Selaginella kraussiana
x Solanum capsicastrum
x Soleirolia soleirolii
Added on 22 Jan, 2014 | 1 photo
Mind Your Own Business
x Spathiphyllum wallisii
x Streptocarpella saxorum
This plant occurs in Kenya and Tanzania. It is found on rocks and cliff faces which are often exposed to the sun...
x Streptocarpus 'Eve'
x Tradescantia zebrina
X. Abelia
Added on 2 Oct, 2013 | 0 photos
X. Ajania pacifica
Added on 13 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Alchemilla mollis
X. Anacyclus (1)
Added on 29 Apr, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Anacyclus depressus
Added on 29 Apr, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Anemone japonica
Added on 3 Oct, 2013 | 0 photos
X. Anthriscus
Added on 5 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Aquilegia 'William Guiness'
Added on 18 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Aquilegia (various colours)
X. Aquilegia flabellata pumila 'Atlantis'
Added on 12 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Aster (Michaelmas Daisy)
X. Aster novi-belgii 'Lady in Blue'
X. Astilbe 'Liliput'
X. Astilbe (pink)
X. Astilbe (red)
X. Astilbe (white)
X. Astrantia major (dark red)
Added on 2 Oct, 2013 | 1 photo
X. Astrantia major (pink)
X. Azalea
Added on 14 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Azalea 2
Added on 13 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Baptisia australis
X. Begonia semperflorens
X. Bergenia
Added on 13 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Buxus sempervirens (Box)
X. Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips'
Added on 12 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Campanula isophylla
Added on 24 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Campanula lactiflora
X. Campanula persicifolia (Blue)
X. Campanula persicifolia (White)
X. Caryopteris
Added on 1 Dec, 2013 | 0 photos
X. Centaurea montana
X. Ceratostigma plumbginoides
X. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Springtime'
X. Chamaecyparis pisifera nana
Added on 16 Feb, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Chamaecyparis thyoides rubicorn
X. Chinodoxa
Added on 27 Apr, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Chrysanthemum (double flowers - various colours)
Added on 19 Nov, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Chrysanthemum (single flowers - various colours)
X. Clematis Betty Corning
X. Clematis chiisanensis
X. Clematis Daniel Deronda
X. Clematis Dr Rupel
X. Clematis Gipsy Queen
X. Clematis Hagley Hybrid
X. Clematis John Paul ll
X. Clematis Lady Diana
X. Clematis macropetala 'Blue Dancer'
Added on 27 Apr, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Clematis Mme Julia Corevon
X. Clematis Multi Blue
X. Clematis Nelly Moser
X. Clematis texensis kaiu
X. Clematis Venosa Violacea
X. Clematis Ville De Lion
X. Cortusa matthioli
Added on 6 Jun, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Cotinus
X. Cotoneaster cornubia
X. Cotoneaster horizontalis
X. Cryptomeria japonica elegans
X. Cryptomeria japonica spiralis
X. Cupressus macrocarpa Gold Crest
X. Cyclamen coum
X. Cyclamen hederifolium
X. Dianthus 'Moulin Rouge'
X. Dianthus (Devon Pink - Lady Madonna)
X. Dianthus (Pinks - Doris)
X. Dianthus (Pinks - Small red flower)
X. Dianthus (Pinks)
X. Dianthus (Sweet William)
X. Dicentra spectabilis (Pink)
Added on 3 Oct, 2013 | 1 photo
X. Dicentra spectabilis (White)
X. Digitalis
Added on 13 Jun, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Dodecatheon jeffreyi
X. Dryopteris erythrosora
X. Epimedium parralchium