Hywel has added 0 reminders.
X. Persicaria amplexicaulis
Added on 13 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Phlox divaricata 'Clouds of Perfume'
Added on 12 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Phlox paniculata
Added on 1 Dec, 2013 | 0 photos
X. Photinia
X. Pieris 'Little Heath'
Added on 27 Apr, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Pieris japonica 'Forest Flame'
Added on 1 Dec, 2013 | 1 photo
X. Pilosella aurantiaca
Added on 7 Jul, 2014 | 1 photo
'Tawny Hawkweed'
X. Platycodon grandiflorus (Blue)
Added on 29 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
Balloon Flower
X. Platycodon grandiflorus (Pink)
X. Plumbago auriculata
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Polygala chamaebuxus kaminski
X. Primula auricula 'Border Bandit'
Added on 7 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Primula auricula 'Eden Lilactime'
X. Primula auricula 'Greenfinch'
X. Primula auricula 'Marie Crouse'
X. Primula auricula 1 name n/k
X. Primula auricula 2 name n/k
X. Primula denticulata
X. Primula marginata
Added on 8 May, 2014 | 0 photos
European Primula
X. Primula vulgaris
X. Primula vulgaris 'Captain Blood'
X. Primula vulgaris 'Miss Indigo'
X. Primula x pruhonicensis 'Wanda'
Added on 6 Jun, 2014 | 0 photos
It is a hybrid of Primula vulgaris, and Primula juliae ...
X. Prunella
Added on 29 Nov, 2013 | 0 photos
X. Prunus incisa kojo-no-mai
Added on 3 Oct, 2013 | 0 photos
X. Prunus triloba
X. Pulmonaria officinalis
Added on 11 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Pulsatilla vulgaris
Added on 12 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Pyracantha coccinea 'Firethorn'
Added on 19 Nov, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Quercus robur
X. Ribes
Added on 27 Apr, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Rose 'American Pillar'
Added on 18 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Rose 'Ballerina'
X. Rose 'Crown Princess Margareta'
Added on 13 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Rose 'Deep Secret'
X. Rose 'Francine Austin'
X. Rose 'Frencham'
Added on 3 Jun, 2014 | 1 photo
Very thorny !
X. Rose 'Gentle Hermione'
Added on 18 May, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Rose 'Handel'
X. Rose 'Masquerade'
Added on 17 Jun, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Rose 'Mischief'
X. Rose 'New Dawn'
X. Rose 'Nice Day'
Miniature climber
X. Rose 'Summer White'
X. Rose 'Veilchenblau'
Climber ...
X. Rose 'Zephrine Drouhin'
X. Rose (Unknown)
X. Salix integra 'Hakura Noshioki'
Added on 29 May, 2014 | 0 photos
X. Sambucus nigra purpurea
X. Sanguisorba hakusanensis
X. Sanguisorba officinalis 'Tenna'
X. Sanguisorba tenuifolia alba
X. Saponaria ocymoides
X. Sarcococca confusa
X. Saxifraga 'Cloth of Gold'
X. Saxifraga (unknown variety)
Added on 16 Nov, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Saxifraga cuenifolia
X. Saxifraga umbrosa
X. Saxifraga urbium
Added on 27 May, 2014 | 0 photos
London Pride
X. Saxifraga x megaseaflora 'Jan Neruda'
Added on 9 Mar, 2015 | 0 photos
A pretty alpine with white flowers
X. Scabiosa alpina
X. Sedum spectabile
X. Sempervivum calcareum
X. Silene uniflora 'Druett's Variegated'
X. Sisyrinchium
X. Skimmia
X. Skimmia 'Magic Marlot'
X. Spiraea
X. Stachys macrantha
X. Stephanandra
X. Syringa meyeri
Added on 3 Oct, 2013 | 1 photo
X. Tamarix
X. Tanacetum parthenium aureum (Feverfew)
X. Taxus baccata
X. Teucrium lucidrys
X. Thuja oxydentalis
X. Thymus vulgaris
Added on 6 Jun, 2014 | 1 photo
X. Tradescantia
X. Verbascum
X. Veronica
X. Veronica australis 'Trehane'
X. Veronicastrum
X. Viburnum bodnantense
X. Viburnum tinus
X. Vinca minor
X. Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyl'
X. Viola canadensis (White Violet)
X. Viola hederacea
X. Viola hederifolia
X. Waldesteinia ternata
Added on 27 May, 2015 | 1 photo
X. Wygelia (1)
Added on 29 Nov, 2013 | 1 photo
X. Wygelia (2)
Added on 29 Nov, 2013 | 2 photos