growing garden!
By irene24
It looks like spring is here too went round the garden to see what is growing but I cant remember all the names of the plants growing but here are the lovely plants !
Dont know what this is Alpine?
This a mexican climber?
This is canterbury bells ,lupins, day lilly
Old hanging basket protecting my precious lilys agains ,4 paws,
Photo from bedroom window of the progress made so far
My neighbours garden isnt it nice!
26 Apr, 2013
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Next post: four seasons
I agree with you Louisa, I would rather have a lawn too as you say we are all diferent
26 Apr, 2013
It's certainly progressing Irene...well done! thanks for showing us the progress!!
Yes, neat and tidy, your neighbour's garden but I prefer some lawn and much better for wildlife!!
26 Apr, 2013
Agree - next door's doesn't really look like a garden. Yours is coming on well. I like that little circular arrangement in the middle of the lawn, it sets of the rest very well.
26 Apr, 2013
He's, what's going in there(the middle circle) Irene? have you decided yet?
26 Apr, 2013
Paul the magnolia grandiflora is going in the middle of the Iawn just waiting for the chance of frost to completly be gone would hate for it to die as i paid quite a bit for it It was THE ONE I HAD TO HAVE lol
26 Apr, 2013
Neighbour doesent like my garden says there is no vision no,plann and no feature ,if money was no problem i would have a better garden but as it is i will just have to get it done as i can afford to.
26 Apr, 2013
Neighbours garden looks a bit like a garden centre to me. I also like softer and greener
26 Apr, 2013
Don't listen to your neighbour, just enjoy your own garden, I have no plan, vision or feature either! I'm looking forward to seeing that Magnolia when it's planted out, it'll look great!:)
26 Apr, 2013
Ignore your neighbour Irene..... It's your garden and it's your vision!
It's all coming along nicely and we are all anxious to see your Magnolia :)
26 Apr, 2013
oh, Lovely Magnolia are superb as a centrepiece! I'm sure it will look great!! !
26 Apr, 2013
Tell you neighbour if he's so concerned he could give ou so e cuttings/ seedlings etc from his garden! n second thoughts , just ignore him!!!!!!! you know what you like, not him!!!
26 Apr, 2013
Lovely Irene , I too like your circle I think we all have to have a little lawned area if only for the blackbirds to come along and dig up some worms I was watching some this morning on my little lawn which only takes me 20 mins to mow and strim around the edges . Tell your neighbour not to look over the fence till you finish and oh my what a surprise he will have lol .
26 Apr, 2013
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement I will of course keep my lawn SHE can like it or lump it
26 Apr, 2013
Good work ..
interesting to see the different gardening styles.
27 Apr, 2013
We are all different Irene and each have our own ideas, its easy to see which is my preference by looking at a pic of my garden, keep on with what you are doing and enjoy it.
Looking at the photo I don't think your neighbour enjoys gardening.
27 Apr, 2013
I agree, and its not my idea of good garden design either. Do your own thing and ignore her.
3 May, 2013
Recent posts by irene24
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Your garden is coming along nicely Irene, it'll look wonderful by summertime!:)
I'm not all that keen on the neighbours garden, too much hard landscaping and not enough green for my taste, I prefer your lawn with border arrangement, but we're all different:)
26 Apr, 2013