Is It Chilli In Here?
By jackkenneth
Ok, so this is my first ever attempt at a blog, so wish me luck! In this blog I am going to be reporting on the development of three chilli seeds I recently planted, and I shall include pictures of all big milestones. Please note, I am new to all this gardening malarky, so i’ll just be teaching myself along the way via the medium of Google, and mostly wingin it!
‘Sew’, here we go. For Christmas I bought my dad one of those ‘grow your own chilli plants’ kits. It included five types of chilli; Jalepeño, Tobasco, Demon Red, Hungarian Hot Wax, and another I can’t remember off the top of my head. With the seeds, it also came with five small coconut husk plant pots, and five coconut husk compost disks which expanded when water was added. Anyway I went home last weekend and dad said I should take a pot, a compost disk and some seeds back to Hull with me, and see how I got on with them. So I did. I brought back a Jalepeño seed, a Tobasco seed and a Demon Red seed.
I got back to Hull a week ago today, and started the seeds six days ago, lets call this day one. After doing some research online, I decided to germinate my seeds by the moist paper towel method. By the time day three had come around I had become bored, so I decided to abandon the kitchen towels, and plant them in the provided pot and compost.
Now, according to, Jalepeños take an average of eight days to germinate, Demon Reds thirteen and Tabascos a massive twenty six days! After reading this I wansn’t expecting anything for a while, but on day five I had a bit of a poke around out of curiosity, and I discovered all three seeds had grown a root! Imagine my excitement! (I still don’t know why my girlfriend calls me sad) The Jalepeño had the longest root by far, about three centimeters, and the other two were about the same, ~ one centimeter.
That pretty much brings me up to date as that was yesterday. So now I am just waiting for them to poke their head above the surface of the soil, and then I shall write again and include a photo.
Let me know if you’ve read this, it’d be nice to know if anyone had!
Cheers, Jack.
12 Feb, 2011
Next post: Is It Chilli In Here? #2
Cheers Pam. I plan to keep them indoors untill the frost clears off. I may of started to early, I don't know, I guess we'll see how they'll turn out!
12 Feb, 2011
If you are "sad" Jack so are the rest of us!!!!
Loved the blog.
12 Feb, 2011
let us know how they go Jack, some pics would be nice if you can, we all had to start somewhere you know!! :o)
12 Feb, 2011
I see that you've only just joined Goy-- its an amazing site-- friendly, knowledable and-- at times-- very very funny ( check out the latest blogs --one by N2organics about a virus and Stickitoffees latest as well ( one word of caution-- its addictive :o))
12 Feb, 2011
Oooooo ...... you've got the bug, Jack, but having the gardening bug is a fantastic way to make friends, great fun and very satisfying most of the time.
Looking forward to seeing the next chilli blog and piccies :>)
12 Feb, 2011
Good first blog, Jack, though I know nothing at all about chillies. There'll be other members who will give you advice and support, it's that kind of site! Good luck with them. : o )
12 Feb, 2011
Welcome Jack. You're not on your own as I only wrote my first bog a couple of weeks ago. Scarey stuff!! People are really kind and helpful on GOY so I'm sure you'll feel at home in no time blogging away. And as I have never tried to grow chillies I'll be watching your blogs with interest.
12 Feb, 2011
Welcome to the mad house ~ oh sorry i mean welcome to GoY ~ i have no doubt you will enjoy it on here.
loved your blog ~ i like pictures [cos ive never grown up] but your blog kept me amused all the way through
hope those peppers grow well. i have just planted up some cayenne peppers to grow on my window sill ~ they came in a pot that looks like a take away coffee carton. we can have a race ~ see whose peppers come up first!!! you are well ahead of me tho!!
ps, thanks pam!!! thats very nice of you.
12 Feb, 2011
Welcome Jack, also one who has never grown chilli`s (although my son does well with them.)
Have to admit to a little chuckle at you poking and prodding around to see what was going on, I used to do that, patience was never included in my gardening books...Hope you are successful with them.....
Sticki you`ll be encouraging gambling next......
12 Feb, 2011
I've read it so I'm letting you know :o)
I've never grown chilies so good luck !
Sad ? lol what's sad about you ....
Welcome to GoY.
13 Feb, 2011
Welcome to Goy JK, as a few have said already, this site is addictive and you will get loads of help. BEWARE, there are some looneys on here. LOL. I,ve got hundreds of seeds going at the moment, take time to navigate your way around, it's great fun. Good luck with the chilli's, try not to poke around to much.
13 Feb, 2011
Hey, who are you calling a Looney? lol! : o ))
13 Feb, 2011
Wow thanks for all the feedback people, didn't expect this much! Ok, so I now know I'll probably end up a looney, and that I'm likely to get addicted to this site, bring it on I say :) could anyone tell me how I continue writing in this blog, or do I have to start a fresh one? As I have some big news on the chilli front
13 Feb, 2011
At the end of your blog, before the comments, there is a facility to 'Edit' which enables you to change or add anything to it. Hope this helps. Looking forward to the 'big news'! : o )
13 Feb, 2011
Its personal choice Jack, you can continue on this one by editting as Shirley has stated or start a new blog saying (Update chilli`s part 2), lots of members do it that way, as you can see by the comments we do revisit the blogs, in fact some continue for months.......
13 Feb, 2011
Ah excellent, thanks for that Shirley.
I have to go to uni later to do some work, so no doubt I shall update the blog then, ahh procrastination :)
13 Feb, 2011
Ooh ok, thanks for the heads up Lincs. I'll look into that later and make a decision.
Thanks again :)
13 Feb, 2011
Wow, you're a good student, working on a Sunday! lol
13 Feb, 2011
Well, it is deadline day tomorrow, eek :s
13 Feb, 2011
Cutting it a bit fine? Some of my daughter's best University results were attained through her 'very last minute' entries! Are you in your final year ?
13 Feb, 2011
LOL Shirley,
JK, I don't know what you are studying but it might help if it's a degree in something where you have to wear a white coat. LOL :o))) Looking forward to update.
13 Feb, 2011
Ah, that gives me encouragement Shirley :p yes, this is my final year, well, if all goes to plan lol.
Well it's a physics degree, so yeah, kind of!
Updates up now.
I must log out, as this website is such a distraction!
13 Feb, 2011
surely not JK!!?? a distraction??? i thought it was the main attraction!
15 Feb, 2011
Recent posts by jackkenneth
- Just An Update
10 Apr, 2011
- Growing A Lemon Tree/Plant
22 Feb, 2011
- Does My Chilli Look Leggy In This?
16 Feb, 2011
- Is It Chilli In Here? #2
13 Feb, 2011
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good luck jack-- I won't start my bell peppers for another month as i've only got a cold greenhouse to grow them in--
12 Feb, 2011