Poppies We Dont Wear?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By jacque
Hope U enjoy the next Photos as i took them with War Heroes in mind?? It was Armed Forces Awareness in Norfolk this week .
For those who are still with us, And those who died for us .
28 Jun, 2009
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A fine tribute Jacque to those who lost their lives at war.They thought it was going to be so fine ! What a shock and what horrors they faced ! Beautiful tribute ! x
28 Jun, 2009
~fantastic Jacque~I can't see fields like this without being very moved~Very beautiful and poignant!
28 Jun, 2009
Gorgeous. To the fallen
28 Jun, 2009
Gorgeous fields of red. Beautiful to remember those who died in war.
28 Jun, 2009
Wonderful blog, Jacque.
Those who died or were injured are not forgotten...
29 Jun, 2009
Thanx 4 all your Lovely Comments & Thoughts :) xxx
29 Jun, 2009
In Flanders Fields by John MacRae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Thank you also Jacque for the stunning photos.
Lol :0)
29 Jun, 2009
Fantastic photos and thanks Jacque. My grandfather died out in France just a few days before the end of WW1. He left a wife and three small children.
29 Jun, 2009
Beautiful Poem Ducky thank u X ,Dear Spritz your so welcome XXX
29 Jun, 2009
I am going to show these to my father as he is a WW2 veteran and poppies take on a special meaning for him. Thanks for this.
29 Jun, 2009
Your Welcome Nancy plez let me know what u Father says hes a very Speacail Man tell him:) xxx
29 Jun, 2009
Wonderful pictures Jacque, the poppy means so much to anyone who lost a loved one in a war. Thank you for posting them.
29 Jun, 2009
So Plez`d uv enjoyed them DrB they mean alot to me 2 :)
29 Jun, 2009
Lovely photos Jacque...........
29 Jun, 2009
Thanx Holly i really enjoyed taking the Photos i must of spent Half a Hour Clicking away with My Camera :)
29 Jun, 2009
I've just put a blog & photo of a rose called peace, which was called that after world war two, my eldest son was a soldier for over 20yrs he joined as a junior soldier, served ireland & irac the first time round in 1991, he always said he would rather be there than northen ireland as you know who you enemy was, but in ireland young kids would go up to them to shake hands with an angranade in his hand, also once he was talking to a little girl, and the mother hit her for talking to scum. Mind you when they where in thewar in 1991, we where all sending alsorts to them as our soldiers had nothing and the americans had everything, it was just everyday things like toothpaste, toilet rolls razor blades even underwear, and the best bit where everyone at first was having to pay full price to send them, which the goverment should have suplied, towords the end though we where getting free letters to send to them.
29 Jun, 2009
U must feel so proud of your Son Clarice i would be :) il take a look @ your Blog very Soon My Friend :)x
29 Jun, 2009
Jacque i'm very proud, he was a grenadier soldier, the ones that stand outside buckingham palace, & do trouping of the colour, he told me the reason why all the horses stand so still was because they run then into the ground that morning, so their to shattered to move.
29 Jun, 2009
Wow! It must be very hard work 2 trie out those Beautys Clarice as their so Big :)
29 Jun, 2009
Beautiful, thought-provoking photos together with John MacRea's poem. Buckinghamshire County Council really excelled themselves with an event on Saturday just gone - in Berkshire. Strange or what?
My grandfather too died on WW1 in June 1917 leaving a young widow with two children, one of whom he had never seen. We owe all our troops over the years so much.
29 Jun, 2009
Thanx Wagger :) How sad about your poor granddad not seeing his second Child :( My Thoughts are with u all who had Lost familys & Loved 1s XXX
29 Jun, 2009
So poignant Jacque - a lovely blog.......
29 Jun, 2009
Thanx Wilowisp X
29 Jun, 2009
lovely jacque my great grandad died in the great war and didnt get to see his daughter, my nan grow up,, we should always remember the ones who protect our country,
29 Jun, 2009
Its True San we all should remember them ALWAYS X
30 Jun, 2009
I'm with you both on this, my dad was a prisoner of war in WW2 in Burma.
30 Jun, 2009
Beautiful pictures Jacque :-)
30 Jun, 2009
Hi Clarice how awful 4 ur Father :( These Pics must mean so much 2 u 2 ,Glad u like the Pics as well Frac :)
30 Jun, 2009
Love them Jacque
30 Jun, 2009
I always get LUMP in my throat when I see fields of poppies! It is very moving . The Poem very poignant Ducky and again wonderful photography Jacque/
30 Jun, 2009
Thanx Clarice :) Marydoll when we go & see the graves in France i start 2 cry as i feel so moved by seeing so many Head Stones & knowing still so many were never even found hurts more :(
1 Jul, 2009
lovely pictures. poppies are one of my favourite flowers when you see them in the wild. They are so delicate, and they have such emotional connections
1 Jul, 2009
Yes Jeanh a Flower that has many different memorys 4 lots of us,Glad u enjoyed the Pics 2 :)
1 Jul, 2009
Everything has been said, but sitting here looking at the beautiful photos, reading that lovely poem, and my eyes are starting to leak. I just can't begin to imagine what any soldier serving in wartime must go through. Thanks Jacque for reminding me that we owe them all so much.
2 Jul, 2009
Oh Jacque,
Those are just eye catching and even more beautiful
when we realize the significance attached to them.
We have all learned that freedom isn't free. My Father
served in WWII and my husband spent two tours in Viet
3 Jul, 2009
I traced my grandfather's grave, Jacque. I got on to the War Graves Commission with the very little info I had - his full name and rank - and in a very short time I had a lovely letter with a map enclosed.
We've been out there three times now - a tiny village with a small cemetery, only about 30 graves there, but SOOO well-cared for! It's very moving.
3 Jul, 2009
Im gald u like the Pics Harli :) Spritz im so glad u found where ur Granddad Rests ,it must of ment so much 2 u when u was able 2 visit the grave .
3 Jul, 2009
What stunning picture,s ,superb well done
3 Jul, 2009
Yes, it did - and I was able to copy the map and send it to my cousins. I do know that one at least has also been there. It's a very peaceful corner of France.
I took photos and sent them to my aunt, his daughter, and she was pleased to see the beauty of the cemetery. Each grave has its own little planting, roses and so on.
The first time we went, a French lady popped out of her house next to the cemetery and was shaking my hand! I had managed to tell her it was my grandfather. Wonderful that the villagers feel like that. They certainly haven't forgotten.
4 Jul, 2009
Lovely pics Jacque. I happened to see some beautiful poppy fields by coincidence today driving down near Bath, and now this evening I read this. Hope they keep the "poppy day" remembrance as I believe it's important too. Every year I think about the loved ones of those who didn't return, or returned but whose lives were agony because of what they'd been through.
Why are troops deprived of real basics like toothpaste when we spend such obscene sums on sophisticated weapons? That makes me angry.
4 Jul, 2009
Lovelyshots Jacque and such a lovely poem by Ducky too
5 Jul, 2009
Fabulous poppy pics. I too was snapping away when I came upon a field full of these wonderful poignant flowers. Sadly I cann't download onto computer, apparently I need a special card as I was taking pictures with my mobile phone. The special significence they hold for me is the fact that the day I was born word came to my parents that my paternal uncle had died in a prisoner of war camp so Remembrance Sunday always makes me cry. I think flowers hold many memories for people either sad or happy. Aren't we just so lucky to have flowers on so many occasions to speak for us?Sorry am I making such a lovely blog miserable?
5 Jul, 2009
Im over the Moon that i posted this Blog :) I never knew so many people would of had ties with the Poppies/Wars ! My Thoughts & love 2 every 1 of u who had Family,Friends & Loved 1s with Connections Jac XXX
5 Jul, 2009
great blog and pics....is it in a field near you?
5 Jul, 2009
Thanx Sandra its about 6 miles from me as im out skirts of town :)
5 Jul, 2009
i have never seen such a field around here..its awesome
5 Jul, 2009
Seeing More & More every year here now in Norfolk Sandra? The Farmers are even Sowing them around their Crops Field Edges ! Good isnt it :)
5 Jul, 2009
5 Jul, 2009
great pic's never seen so many.
13 Jul, 2009
Thanx Tiger :)
13 Jul, 2009
gorgeous jacque and alovely tribute to the heroes of this country and others lets not forget them kev
16 Jul, 2009
Hi Kev since i Posted this Blog iv found out My Grandad Fought in World War I :) Im proud & hurt all @ once :/ Im now Trying to trace his Grave & War History with the Help of His Medal :)
16 Jul, 2009
wonderful also sad good luck with your quest i hope it brings you peace and happiness
16 Jul, 2009
Thanx Kev X
16 Jul, 2009
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Thanks Jacque,thats a lovely tribute.......
28 Jun, 2009