Once upon a time
By jasonf
Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, I attempted to grow my very first Romneya.
It died.
And then I grew my second one.
It died too.
Never one to accept defeat, I grew a third.
It succommed within one month of planting it.
I gave up.
Thirty years later I bought one again – last year in fact, but yes, you’ve guessed it.
No, it didn’t die – it just didn’t flower. Not at all. Not even a sign of one.
I was disgusted and forlorn, dejected and miserable, and in a fit of complete frustration, I threw the damn thing on the last remains of my compost heap.
Last spring I was busy busy digging out loads of compost and spreading it all over my garden, with a looping spadeful that sent heaps of compost in all directions.
It worked wonderfully until an inordinate thud broke the silence.
I investigated, and there, lying in a mess of splattered roots, was . . . . my . . . . .Romneya.
The damn thing’s still alive!!!!!
And then I felt sorry for it.
I knew it would be a bad move, a complete waste of time, but when a plant grips you for so long, there is no turning back.
I stuffed it in a pot, and left it to die miserably, forlorn and dejected in the corner, unwatered and unfed, unwanted even.
And then, blow me down – look what happened!!!!!!!
18 Aug, 2011
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That's a beautiful shot, going straight on my favs! Wee thing obviously thrives on neglect! Good you rescued it!
18 Aug, 2011
Your favs, Libet? How kind, and thanks for the compliment Lincslass :)
18 Aug, 2011
love the blog - made me smile.
18 Aug, 2011
And me !
18 Aug, 2011
Brilliant blog and gorgeous flower.
19 Aug, 2011
that made me smile, good blog and i'm glad you finally got it to flower in the end...
19 Aug, 2011
Thanks folks - you've all cheered me up no end :):):)
21 Aug, 2011
Just shows u - nature will always get the better of you, no matter how hard you try...
8 Nov, 2011
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Recent posts by jasonf
- A tip for crocks
15 Jun, 2013
- Some of Derek's stories and mine
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- Outstanding Thalictrum
18 Aug, 2011
- Where's my machete?
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- Sunshine in the garden
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- Deutzia for you
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You had me gripped with this tale Jason, your forlorn dejected plant has finally come into its own, poor thing only needed a bit of time to itself, its looking very happy now, reminds me of myself, I like to have time to myself sometimes and find being amongst my compost, chucking it around, and giving it a new home occasionally can work wonders for my sense of wellbeing, does my plants good as well.
Great photo....
18 Aug, 2011