Jewells's Profile

About me
hi my name is jewells and a am a very keen gardener it is such a wonderful hobby. I have just got myself a greenhouse and am trying to grow plants from seeds and also having a dabble at a small veggie plot. keep your fingers crossed that i have a crop to enjoy. my seedlings have grown lovely and i am really chuffed. what a feeling when a tiny seed becomes a substancial plant. we have only lived at our house a couple of years and the garden was a bit of a mess, we basically had a blank grass canvass and have started again. we are very happy with what we have acheived but it is still a work in progress as we still have lots to do and learn. we also built a koi pond and everything else was built around that. I have been so busy and didn't realise that I have not been on for 10 months. well in that time I have sat an RHS exam but alas I failed on one paper but not to worry I am re sitting it in may 2011 so fingers crossed.I felt quite bad at first but it has been a long time since i sat any exam let alone an RHS one. My gardening career is flourishing and I love it . Also i have now started a design course and I can't wait to get started. Alas iI have had to give up my allotment there just was not enough hours in the day but I havent not grown just at home in the garden and it was all lovely . You know it feels great to be back :)