Hmm how many ?
By joanella
Is it just me.. or does anyone else have the “pop up”
How many free SIMS would you like..well i would really like to tell them & where i would put them. .its soo annoying..i block pop ups & they still pop up..aghh
26 Sep, 2011
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found in tools - bottom - internet options - click that then into security - check boxes have medium level in local internet - hope it helps :)))))))))))))
26 Sep, 2011
Thank you Paul i will try it..i have gone into tools & got pop up blocker & turn it on but still get them..going to try your way now..:o)
26 Sep, 2011
Hope it works - set it no higher than medium as if you do you cannot get into any site !!:))) But medium level should prevent pop ups
26 Sep, 2011
i have just set it on high as it was on medium..will change it back again..thanks for your help Paul..:o)
26 Sep, 2011
:))))) Did you also try trusted sites and - privacy on medium ?:))))
26 Sep, 2011
Paul..dont get too technical i just about changed it to high & back
26 Sep, 2011
Yes just done it they are all on medium..will see how it goes, thank you for your help once again.:o)
26 Sep, 2011
:D In tools - go to internet options again and into the privacy tab and check the pop up blocker is ticked :))))))))))
26 Sep, 2011
at last wasnt ticked..well lets hope thats the the end of them..cheers for that..will let you know if it has worked..
26 Sep, 2011
26 Sep, 2011
Glad you asked this question, Joan, as I have been getting irritated by the SIMS pop up doo-dah for a couple of days! ... Will try my best to follow Paul's instructions!
26 Sep, 2011
it seems to have worked Shirley..his instructions were easy to follow..even for
26 Sep, 2011
great Joanella :))))))))))
26 Sep, 2011
Your not just a pretty face eh Paul..:o)))
26 Sep, 2011
Still got them popping up ... :o(((
26 Sep, 2011
lol Joanella :D Go into tools top right - internet options at the bottom, click privacy and in there it should have green tick on :)))) let me know if it has :)))))
26 Sep, 2011
Paul ... you're a star!! .... no more 'pop-ups' on the screen ... many thanks ... : o )))))))
26 Sep, 2011
Excellent :)))))
26 Sep, 2011
I may have to call on you again though ... computers really aren't my thing ... just the basics for me! ... :o)))
26 Sep, 2011
That's okay - will always try to help :))))
26 Sep, 2011
good isnt it Shirley, without them on the screen...they were getting on my nerves..
26 Sep, 2011
Thanks, Paul ... :o))) . . . . .
Much better now, Joan ... thank goodness we had Paul to sort it out ... lol! ... :o))))
26 Sep, 2011
What are pop ups ? Sorry to be thick but I don't know what they are. I can see an advert with something about sims. Is that a pop up ? I get lots of adverts about various things. I ignore them.
And what are sims anyway ?
27 Sep, 2011
Yes Hywel sounds like a pop up advert - I think Sims is an animated game people do on computer games - I get loads of texted on mobile phone - thanks to facebook that gave my number to compainies - a warning to any FB users!!!
27 Sep, 2011
Hywel..i think the adverts are "pop ups"..:o)
Paul..i thought "Sims" were sim cards for mobile phones ..though i am prob wrong..never used face book, this site is about as far as i
28 Sep, 2011
Hi Joan ... are you free of the Pop-ups today? ... I have them back, both at the top and right side of the page ... grr! ... :o(((
28 Sep, 2011
Shirley mine have come back today have passed them
28 Sep, 2011
Lol, Joan, I shall ask son-in-law to assist ... he works in computers so ought to know how to rid my screen of them! ... I now have ads for insurance and garden sheds ... :o(((
28 Sep, 2011
I saw that advert on another site last night - a cactus site it was lol but exactly the same ad :o(
28 Sep, 2011
I can live with them, Hywel, but it's the ones which flash around that annoy me! . . . . .
28 Sep, 2011
they all annoy me..have to keep getting rid of them..i have gone back & followed Pauls instructions again & they have stopped (for now anyway)..might know you would be on a cactus site Hywel..:o)
28 Sep, 2011
lol ;o)
28 Sep, 2011
Shirley you may have Pop up blocker on low - go into tools and click pop up blocker - then pop up blocker settings - bottom tab it says - blocking level - set it to medium or high if not already :)))
28 Sep, 2011
I haven't got a pop up blocker in my tools. I just looked.
28 Sep, 2011
check left hand side tools too Hywel - maybe in that one
28 Sep, 2011
You can go into start menu up to control panel and click that and internet options is in there too - click on it and then there is a privacy tab - the pop up blocker controls are in there - should be ticked :)))
28 Sep, 2011
Can't find it - never mind. I'm not that bothered by them.
28 Sep, 2011
no pop ups but the thingie thing keeps comeing up to tell me the pop up wants to pop up lol .................... now thats confuseing haha !!!
29 Sep, 2011
That is rather confusing Cristina LOL
29 Sep, 2011
hahahaha .................. its true
29 Sep, 2011
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mmm not sure then - was going to say in tools top corner there is an option to turn on pop up blocker - could be in security tab - your settings may be on low - need to change to medium :)))
26 Sep, 2011