By joeanne
I can’t believe it, I’ve only just joined and already had messages of welcome.
Thanks to you all. I am unsure how to reply individually help!
My garden is a bit of a mess at the moment. I have left it for a season to see what would come up and there are some good plants but some are taking over, such as the Japanese Anemone and Valerian which grow wild here. The garden is on two levels and there is also a terrace area and a long passage way with a border on each side. The soil is awful – full of stone and I mean stone as in lumps of – not little round pebbles. My biggest problem at the moment is a large clump of bear breeches- Acanthus. Its taking over and despite my best efforts to dig it up it refuses to go and keeps popping up everywhere and the snails love it. Does anyone have any ideas? I think that in digging it up I have broken up and spread the roots. I wanted to plant a small veggie patch there.
31 Jan, 2009
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Hallo Joeanne - nice to meet you!
My Acanthus is a pest, too. I have a steel circular support with three legs which I use to stop it flopping in the summer.
At this time of year, I put it on the ground where I can see where the main plant is, and any small shoots outside the circle, I dig up. This works well.
I know you want to lose the whole thing - it has very deep roots and it does spread, so all you can do is keep at the digging until it give up. You could try weedkiller watered carefully on the new shoots, that would do the trick quicker.
31 Jan, 2009
Job done with the thanks I should think. A belated welcome from me too.
31 Jan, 2009
Acanthus can be difficult to get rid of if it's in the wrong place. Like a dandelion, it has a long tap root and the smallest piece of root left in the ground will grow again. Your best method is to try and dig out as much as possible and treat any regrowth with a systemic weedkiller, painting it on the leaves. I've tried this method and you do win - eventually. Always deadhead your plant too to stop it self-seeding as this is how it spreads around. If you spot any small seedlings, dig them out as soon as possible before the root starts getting too deep
31 Jan, 2009
Hi Joeanne, I haven't seen your first blog yet - I'm going through them backwards. lol
Welcome to GOY. I hope you succeed with your veggie patch.
1 Feb, 2009
Welcome to GOY
1 Feb, 2009
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31 Jan, 2009
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16 Feb, 2009
Hi Joeanne....I must have missed your first blog somehow...but.....Welcome to GoY. I'm glad you have joined us.
My garden is a bit of a mess too. However, I love to be out there making it messier.
I don't know really what to suggest regarding your Acanthus short of diligently pulling it or using an herbicide. However, I'm sure someone on here will have some suggestions for you.
31 Jan, 2009