Johndman's Profile

About me
my name is john and I'm a plantaholic my first efforts at a garden were soon after I married and got our first house which had a garden at the back about 30m by 30m not much but when I was unfortunately made redundant I had plenty of time to fill, so set about the veg patch, however money was tight so I couldn't exactly go out and spend pounds on seeds, coincidently at the same time the local chemist who for some strange reason stocked seeds was retiring and as his shop was about 20 yards away he could see when he opened his shop in the morning me toiling away at getting the garden into shape, he asked me when I was in (probably getting something for our new born son)if I want to buy the seeds he was selling off in preparation for closing for good, being unemployed I just did not have the money, so on his last day, he knocked my door and gave me a shoe box filled with carrot, lettuce cabbage broccoli and about a dozen other veg seeds, so I set about planting, that poor man did not live to enjoy his retirement as he died about 6 weeks after he closed, nor did he see the unmeasurable pleasure the resulting crop I got from that shoe box, that bounty helped us in a tough time, I hope he rests in peace as I owe that man for the joy I have had gardening since then about 30 years ago, I now do not need to grow veg for as much as it is rewarding, (besides in my new garden of 19 years) there is not an area in the garden which is big enough or sunny enough to grow any meaningful crop, so I now look out upon a sea of beautiful plants and flowers, thanks to a kindly old chemist
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Joined in Oct 2008
Country: United Kingdom