plan plans plans
By kat_pink
after spending a few weeks chopping down all the weeds and grass, as well as setteling my chickens into there new home i haven’t had time to do much but dream about next spring and how amazing it’ll all look.
my lawn mower blew it’s top, after all you need a pretty robus mower with a lawn that big and when your on a budget big time and tyring to save the world one make do and mend at a time, where do you find one.
so as you can see in my pic’s it’s a bit over grown now ooopps!
plans for the winter.
build three raised beds for flowers to be filled with daf’s in the spring and alliums for the summer with some hydrainers(spelt wrong soz) thrown in as well
cut back and seed wild area with grasses and wild flowers – lots of sweet peas grown up canes edging the path.
my chickens are currently turning over and weeding the vegetable plot witch is three raised beds. so all i have to do is fill them with plants.
i’m also having a green house given filled with plants lucky lucky me so i’ll have a go at building a green house.
we will see we will see what happens, it’s a big garden for little old me a do by myself so a lots of hard work ahead.
16 Sep, 2009
Previous post: my secret garden.
Next post: collecting stuff for free
Oh dear,sorry about your mower they do pick the worst moments dont they,a lot of work you have planned and I look forward to hearing how it all goes...........
16 Sep, 2009
For extremely long grass you really should have scythed it first before trying to mow it, also when you get a new mower, don't try to cut it very low the first time, do it gradually over a period of days.
16 Sep, 2009
Good luck with the work. I hope you achieve what you want.
17 Sep, 2009
i strimmed it all before i mowed as short as i could, i've been trying to buy a scythe the only one i've found cheap was so blunt you had to swing it like a golf club then it just bent the grass, it went back.
i've brough a mower off ebay and a friend of my husband has a ride on he said he would come once a month a give it a good going over for me then i just have to keep on top of it.
thank you for all your comments i'll probably be asking for lots of advice in the furture, so thanks in advance.
17 Sep, 2009
Good luck Kat, we like to help each other here so never be afraid to ask. :~))
22 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by kat_pink
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- thrifty ways
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- a quick blog
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It sounds like you are going to be very very busy and very very tired too Kat pink! Good luck with it and welcome to GoY.
Have you tried your local Freecycle group for a lawnmower? There may be one on offer there or you could post a wanted request on it.
16 Sep, 2009