my secret garden.
By kat_pink
For five year i lived in a cottage with a walled stable yard, around the yard were five doors,
behind the first door i found coal,
behind the second i found logs,
behind the thrid lerked the earth closet(toilet)
behind the fourth a kennel,
the fifth door remained a mistery,
A locked black door with no key and no key hole.
during this time i cultivated a container garden
of carrots, tomatoes, cuecumbers,berries and herbs.
then one day a bbq was had and friends came
we were merry in the tiny garden.
a friend then mentioned the fifth and asked
would i like to know what laid behind it.
she told me of a garden as big as a field,
with trees and sheds, vegetable gardens.
one day soon curiosity got my better and proceeded to
stalk the walls around the house looking for an entrance
soon one was found.
beyond the wall laid a garden you could not see
of 7ft nettles and 6ft dock leaves
with wild ducks and cows at the end.
as i fought my way across the garden
the key and the lock was found.
i opened the door to my yard.
one week of strimming cutting
with sore legs and an aching back
nettle stings over all of my skin.
my wonderful secrete garden emerged.
for all my hard work the garden has
burnt me with fire,
stung me daily
killed a lawn mower.
for all of this i love it and i’m fighting it back.
15 Sep, 2009
Next post: plan plans plans
What a lovely surprise to find.
15 Sep, 2009
Great find with a key sort of thing lots of us would love to find. What are your plans for it?
15 Sep, 2009
Hallo kat pink - we haven't met before! I shall look at your photos with interest!!
15 Sep, 2009
How exciting.
16 Sep, 2009
Have fun with your find, reminded me of a book I read as a child only that one was full of roses and flowers,oh and mustn`t forget a robin as well...........
16 Sep, 2009
What a brill 'find' Kat you are sooooo lucky. ;~))
22 Sep, 2009
NiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCe one KP, looking forward to seeing it!!
1 Oct, 2009
Recent posts by kat_pink
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- thrifty ways
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- a quick blog
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- 61 tyres
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21 Jun, 2009
Hey nice one kat pink...good for you!
15 Sep, 2009