Another sunny day in my garden
By katarina
Today we again had 30 degree of Celsius. Little bit hot windy. In Sicilia they call mediterranean wind which comes from Sahara “a scirocco”, in the Canary islans they have “la calima”, but I do not know, how do we call this type of hot wind. Our radio broadcasted, that we had the hottest weekend in April for 200 years.
Doesn´t matter.
Garden is what it counts. I invite you to a short tour to my garden. Let´s start from my balcony. This is view to the east, south and west – all views from my balcony.
Succulent which you saw last year without flowers started to bloom. It was high time, my friend. Sorry for leisure (horizontal) photo.
And here is snoring permanent traveller. Loves probably roses :)
I know, I know. Here they are enemies. I have couple of permanent backpack travellers in my garden. Do not worry, I saw few in my garden and my Hostas are still untouched.
Some promise from strawberries…
Cluster of late tulips…
Underground tunel of Tofee…sure….
Here you have her. Of course, chatting with blid guinea pig.
Crissue, if you take care for your guinea pigs like me (:))) they will live for very long time. This one has 8 years, had stroke and doesn´t see on her left eye. Still searching in garden :)
My lovely peony is still in buds. It has beautiful white flowers with little touches of red in the centre…
Miss Lewinski is still recovering from frosts and dry autumn, but buds are quite big, so I hope it will bloom this May.
Our geriatric guardian Koro…
Guardian of all cats we have – his name is Policeman. He makes a lot of noise, turmoils, fights, controlling all in the garden and pees on all my flower pots – to list shortly his main activities. Several broken pots are his work. Fortunately, today it was just too hot for him to make a single move with the paw.
Cornus kousa chinensis finally unwrapped its beautiful leaves…
Azalea Feuerwerk is prepared for the season too :)
Old willow on the bank…cut by master of Order, Cleaning and Cutting, e.g. our neighbour. It was so great tree…
I modified the bank, too…with Syringa vulgaris Madame Lemoine and hazel tree…
Smelling really good.
And for this time we will finish the tour at another Hosta. Again, untouched by snail. See you later, in rhododendron season, I hope.
29 Apr, 2012
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You couldn't send some of that sunshine over to England could you, we have yet another day of rain depressing to say the least! Can't get into the garden as its so water logged. Lovely photos.
29 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Surreylad. Which oak tree do you mean?
29 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Jenny. Do not worry, you will have sun soon. Am I right Paul?
29 Apr, 2012
sorry willow tree not oak not sure why i put oak had a stupid moment there :-)
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks for the tour , Katrina , send some of that heat over please .
A lovely garden , and by the river , too . Tranquillity at its best .
Love the pets , I am very fond of guinea-pigs , we always had them for the children , we had 20 at one stage !
29 Apr, 2012
Surreylad, all witches must have willow trees and hazel trees. Do not forget :)))
29 Apr, 2012
Driad, if I can, I will send you some sun. I am afraid this tranquility will soon be over as we got information that some rich immigrants decided to make a road just under our windows - for motorcycles. They are going to cut all trees first, probably in the autumn. So far, this scenery will be history soon.
29 Apr, 2012
My God, Driad, twenty guinea pigs. That must have been noisy in the yard, lol. They whistle...
29 Apr, 2012
What a lovely blog katarina, your plants are lovely, especially the hostas and that river with the syringa and willow [when it grows as well] is just beautiful.
i think Koro is just gorgeous
oh and your description of the snail ~ snoring traveller is just perfect!!
29 Apr, 2012
Koro is garden´s danger when he starts to move. Otherwise he is OK, I think.
29 Apr, 2012
well i love him.
29 Apr, 2012
A lovely tour of your garden Katarina and a lovely river as well, the view from your balcony adds to the beauty.
I like the pics of all your pets as well, I could do with some better weather as well please....
29 Apr, 2012
Well , Katrina , the guinea- pigs have a habit of breeding ! We could have done some research on genetics , if we had thought of it .
When they got too numerous we just loaded them up and took a few to the near-by zoo .
They made a noise similar to a sewing machine .
They were good lawn mowers , we had a large wooden box with the base out and we put them in there and moved it along as necessary .( Not speedy though .)
The children used to race them along a table , and cheer them on , we used to watch them give birth .......... endless fun for all the family .
29 Apr, 2012
Exactly...sewing machine, lol...I never realised it, but you are right. Shhh, I use them as cheap lawn mowers in corners where I cannot get with machine, too :))) See, we have a lot of common.
29 Apr, 2012
Thank you for the tour, Katarina. You have a lovely home in a beautiful setting. I really, really hope that they don't spoil it.
29 Apr, 2012
Thank you Karenfrance. Life taught me to get rid of all hopes :))
29 Apr, 2012
Lovely blog Kat, thanks for the garden tour. I much prefer your modifications to the river bank than that of your neighbour! The Syringa is beautiful. Policeman looks worn out from all that patrolling, peeing fighting and destruction, he deserves to have that sleep. Someone has to keep all those animals under control, including those sneaky snails. :o))
How lovely to have sunshine, I can hardly remember what it is, oh yes we had it back in March! LOL
29 Apr, 2012
Lily, I had a big laughter now! :))))
29 Apr, 2012
brilliant pictures,send some of the sun and heat to us sick of all this horrible weather now what we are getting lol:)))))
30 Apr, 2012
I think it is high time for exchange, Mark :)
30 Apr, 2012
Big laughter is good Kat :o))) We had very big smiles here today as it was sunny all day, such a welcome change and good to get the very long grass cut too.
30 Apr, 2012
Yes , Katrina , the gods looked the other way yesterday and we had some of your sunshine , it was glorious , but they are back to their old tricks today , unfortunately .
1 May, 2012
Not for long :)
1 May, 2012
Driad, did you read my last blog? :)
1 May, 2012
...actually, mine are just photos :)))))
1 May, 2012
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wonderful blog Kat, lovely views you have there, shame about the oak tree i do love trees...
29 Apr, 2012