The annual Festival of roses in Dolna Krupa.
By katarina
Yes, the place was inspiration for this….
Dedicated to the memory of the famous female breeder of roses in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. She educated ordinary people, worked as nurse during the the WWI and later in her life tried to breed thornless roses. There is proof from France, she bred a black rose, unfortunately, we do not have them. Some of them are in Germany. In 1945, at the end of her life, she was robbed and sent away from her manor house. The largest rosary in Central and Eastern Europe was destroyed.
The tomb, in which she is buried, was in a bad shape few years ago. Mouldy, wet wall, lot fo garbage inside. Volunteers and the Slovak National Rosarian Society has cleaned the tomb from old garbage, talus and reconstructed its interior into previous picture. These two days all the visitors can visit the place, where Maria H. Chotek, the Rosarian Count, rests. The stairs to the tomb are these two days covered with petals of colourful roses from the park.
And these are Kordes roses, planted in the park in 2013. In 2013 it was 150th anniversary of count Chotek birthday. And because she was godmother to the founder of Kordes company, they bred at this occasion a robus and very fragrant rose. It was baptised here, in Dolna Krupa. The rose has wonderful scent, mix of rose, apple and anise. It belongs to “Parfuma” rose collection and is resistant to all common diseases.
Rudolf Geschwind´s roses. Another breeder from Czechoslovakia. Before he retired, he gave his collection of thousands of roses to countess Chotekova.
There was competition, of course. People could vote for the most beautiful rose from around 200s.
And this is Lolita (Kordes), very nice perfumed rose…
Coctail, from Mailland…
And Grammerstorf ČH…
And a lot of fun and food and sun…
…a little chap, stressed, that I would take his cake from him…
So far, it was a very nice, although hot day…
7 Jun, 2015
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Very nice indeed, thank you.
7 Jun, 2015
Very interesting blog Kat and the roses are wonderful, thankyou for sharing....
7 Jun, 2015
Thanky you, Bamboo, nice to hear you again. Hi, Lincslass, I am glad you liked it, I wrote it in a hurry, definitely with some mistakes. Snoopdog@how is hot day like? Did you ever cook a chicken soup? It is exactly the same, as if you bend over the steamer :-)
7 Jun, 2015
What a lovely day out Katarina
7 Jun, 2015
Thank you, Steragram. I didn´t meet with whom I intended to meet, otherwise it was nice.
6 Jul, 2015
What a disappointment Katarina - never mind it was still a nice day.
7 Jul, 2015
It was :-)
8 Jul, 2015
I only just saw this, Katarina. What an interesting post.
How lovely Maria Chotek should be remembered in this way.
All the roses are lovely but I especially loved Lolita, for some reason I am drawn to orange flowers lately.
15 Aug, 2015
It is definitely a very good choice. In my garden I grow mostly Kordes roses. By the way, Kordes family had bonds with Chotek family and the representative of the family came to Dolna Krupa 2 yrs ago to baptize a new Kordes rose named after Maria Chotek.
15 Aug, 2015
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I apologize for some photos to be on their side, but I tried to rotate them to right and then to left in my computer and the result is all the same.
This is something with the system. I hope, you will enjoy the photos anyway.
7 Jun, 2015