Kitty Cats Day
By katarina
Today was extremely hot and sunny day. Temperature rised to 29 degrees of Celsius, so to follow the mediterranean custom of siesta was the best solution for those, who still have warm coats on.
While all mammals in our yard had a nap, old brick wall came to life after 5 long months. Workers of the Earth.
Where are cats? Ach here they are…frightened by me, as I shouted today…
I sat on the chair and spoke with them. Seem they were soon relaxed…
In life it is sometimes like that – one is on the edge from the childhood, the other one is Her Mum´s Son.
Look! I have paws!
Hmmm, cuddle with me…
I will eat your nose, Mr Marble….
Muuum, tell him something…
I am back, Marble. Look up! There is the sky…
This is wonderful sofa, Marble…
Stepmother is watching them by all senses.
Isn´t there a cup of coffee with milk for Marble and me, Kat. We are terribly drowsy…
It is always good to have double room flat. One room for kids, the other for adults.
Time for a light lunch.
28 Apr, 2012
Previous post: Winter damage to rhododendrons
Next post: Another sunny day in my garden
"Belly to the sky" is the most favourite position of Black-and-White.
28 Apr, 2012
pictures 12 and 13 are just adorable of black and white
i cant believe its so hot there ~ im in my coat ~ indoors!!!
28 Apr, 2012
Really? But on the photos of GoYers your season is much ahead to our Continental.
Today we have 29, tommorrow forecast says 30 degrees of Cesius. And quite hot wind. Maybe Paul could give us explanation of this extreme, if online :)
28 Apr, 2012
it is 10 degrees here today!!!
28 Apr, 2012
so warm there!
Mr Marble ...tickled me to bits :)))
28 Apr, 2012
Absolutely brill blog and photos, loved it.
28 Apr, 2012
Pic no#13 The surrender is fantastic.
28 Apr, 2012
Oh they are gorgeous, I love kittens/cats and have four, ours are all indoors as its so cold and wet, at least that means the birds are safe...
28 Apr, 2012
wonderful pics Kat, love the story you tell with it :-))
28 Apr, 2012
Thank you, SurreyLad :) Something for your daughters.. Pimpernel, what does that idiom mean? I mean the one about tickle.
28 Apr, 2012
Sorry, Katarina...It means that it amused me..made me laugh. It is a good thing. :))
12 May, 2012
OK :) Thank you.
12 May, 2012
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Those are so lovely katarina, put it on my favourites!! i especially love the one where the little black and white kitten is lying back fully relaxed!!
28 Apr, 2012