All trees of Mallorca
By katarina
Mallorca seemed to me like Eden island. So many trees in so hostile rocky-sandy-salty land. The olive, almond, citrus trees, pine, palm and thousands o fruit and flowering trees.
This heroe grows for instance from the stoney stairs (to the toilet)..
Typical Mediterranean tree is olive. Wherever you make a shot with the view, you will see olive groves.
The “olive trees” originated in the Middle East and achieved enormous importance with the Romans. That what we were told by our guide. I have a bad suspicion, that they have been introduced into Spain by the Phoenicians. In Spain on Palm Sunday both olive and palm branches are blessed. Eighty percent of the island’s olive trees are used for the manufacturing of very nice furniture (so soft by touch) as well as for its most aromatic firewood.
Although I have been just in few places in Greece, I had impression, that olives in Mallorca are slightly different from those I saw for instance in Rhodos. Green olives are harvested during September and October, while the black ones are green ones, which have been left on the tree till November harvesting.
Almond trees cover great part of the island’s surface. It is supposed there are some 6 millions of almond trees in Mallorca. Almond trees bloom from the early January till March. All the island is white at that side and Germans are coming here just for this season, we were said.
When taking the trip through the Sóller valley, we visited mountain gardens of a man who grows oranges and lemons. His photo I did not include for privacy reasons, but he was dressed as a worker, his hands rough and calloused. Working here on hot days must be a real real work. Our guide told us, that Lorenzo (let´s call him like that) owns many restaurants and several fields with oranges and lemons, but she had never seen him in other clothes then farmer´s. We could pick as many lemons as we were able to carry.
Imagine, picking lemons from the shiny-leafed citrus trees, with mountains in the distance and always clear blue sky above head. That was nice experience.
On many postcards from Mallorca you can see citrus tree with fruits and flowers on it at the same time. Those, who grow citrus trees like me know, it is quite normal, yet the most charming characteristic of this tree excluding its fragrance.
The " Aleppo pine" is natural to the island and grows anywhere in Mallorca. Its wood was often used for ship-building.
Look, what I found in a canyon, far from the madding crowd. Is it wild Buddleja?
Taking one hour ship trip from the Sóller harbour to Plaza Espaňa in the small town, which name I unfortunately forgot. They had w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l fried fish there.
All my photos with carop trees are blurred , so sorry, but would like to mention, that it it is exported from Mallorca mostly to England. St. John the Baptist fed on it during his wanderings in the desert and thus its other name. St. John´s bread is the name as the Slovaks know it. It also produces a favourite island liqueur, palo. It is very hardy tree, living in the hottest conditions from almost rocky land.
And this is ficus tree, which bended to my train window, taking trip from Solier.
There are other wonderful trees of Eden there – fig trees, peaches, pomegranates, apricots, cherries and all kinds of palms. Some with naked trunks, some with really very hairy bodies.!
Despedidos, Mallorca…
15 Jul, 2012
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Thank you, Scotkat. Mallorca is a real delight, must be in spring for gardeners :)))
15 Jul, 2012
Thanks for the blog and photos love to read about differant places, found it really interesting.
15 Jul, 2012
I find the first photo unusual...where the tree is coming out of the steps....and the rest of the photo´s are interesting as well.
15 Jul, 2012
Rogi@Yes, unusual is that they did not cut the tree, which grows just in the middle of a narrow way to the toilet. My conclusion-this people are good and are aware of the tree value in hot climate. By the way, in the bar they made for me an orange fresh (2 dcl) and a perfect (Spanish) coffee for just 2 euros. Imagine :))) Good people!
15 Jul, 2012
Lovely pictures katarina, I would really like to go to that lemon grove.
17 Jul, 2012
Soller valley is really beautiful. I felt like Robinson :))
17 Jul, 2012
or the man from del monte???
17 Jul, 2012
I do not now who is he... the man from del monte?
17 Jul, 2012
ah sorry, i thought you might have that advert too, as you knew the robinson brand.
del monte are one of the brands selling tinned fruit and fruit juice the advert shows a man walking thru the orchards and the wording is 'the man from del monte, he say yes!' as presumably the orchard owner wins the contract?
17 Jul, 2012
Now I am absolutely lost. Do not understand at all.
17 Jul, 2012
...but I know what is Tunel sweet Majorcan Herbal Liqueur. Drinking it just now, with cubes of ice :)))
17 Jul, 2012
Katrina , we must have been there at the same time , we went out on the 12th June and back on 25th .
We just love the place , and , yes , I think that it is the Garden of Eden . It has everything .
It is our main holiday place each year .
19 Jul, 2012
Hi Driad, how beautiful! I went there on 6th and returned on 14th July in the early morning. I avoid Mallorca for years, as I do not like busy noisy night streets full of drunk German tourists. Did you notice they drank alcohol from plastic buckets? Catastrophe...I love silence in night, or just sounds of the sea. However, I found there are regions of Mallorca which are quiet and untouched, like eastern coast, where there aren´t big hotels but appartments to rent. Once maybe I will go there, but here no agency offer that location of Mallorca. Where have you been?
19 Jul, 2012
I must hurry now to get ready to go out , Katrina , will write with info soon .
20 Jul, 2012
20 Jul, 2012
Hi Kat great blog found it interesting as I lie here in Mallorca looking at the trees in the hotel grounds wondering what species they are. So thanks for the information.
25 Jun, 2014
Cha! You are welcome.
25 Jun, 2014
We just returned from our annual 2wks in Paradise (Majorca) , Kat . It IS so beautiful .
Thanks for the lovely reminder !
25 Jun, 2014
You are welcome. I have just returned from work. :-)
26 Jun, 2014
Somebody has got to do it !
Put your feet up , Kat .
26 Jun, 2014
28 Jun, 2014
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Thank you for sharing your beautiful trip Katarina it was a delight.
15 Jul, 2012