By katarina
I think animals feel. And they mourn, too. Mr Marble lost his brother last week. Yet he sits on the branch they climbed every day together. He is not climbing. Just sitting and watching.
His mother is still recovering from the fight with a dog, which killed her son. She lost one eye. She has occupied my pot with flowers, but I am not sending her away. It probably cools her.
Mr Marble is shy and just knocks around the pot with his mother in. In silence. He is not disturbing her like human kids. He respects her wounds.
And quite often I see him like this – watching in the direction, from which ran his dying brother. As if waiting him to appear again…
..and play together, as they many times did before. When all was fine.
18 Jul, 2012
Previous post: Is the summer over?
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That is so sad. Yes they do feel loss and they do mourn, all you can do is be there for them as they are for us. God bless
18 Jul, 2012
18 Jul, 2012
Aw, that's so sad
18 Jul, 2012
Bless him! How can they not miss someone they have been so close too! I hope mum recovers well.
18 Jul, 2012
Heartbreaking! Such a traumatic experience for all of you. Try and remember the happy times. x
18 Jul, 2012
How sad, I really feel for them. I am sure animals do love and they do mourn just as we do. xx
18 Jul, 2012
So sad, Katarina. As in humans, grief takes its time, then passes, except in personal thought. Be happy.
19 Jul, 2012
So sorry to hear that,do the dogs roam free in your area.
In the Uk as you probable know if they are not kept under control the Dog owners can be in trouble,thats not to say we don't have problems but it would be much worse if there was no law restricting them.
19 Jul, 2012
Oh that's so sad. I'm pleased to see mum is recovering but so sorry you lost the brother. I hope mums back to her old self soon.
It's really sweet that Marble hangs around his mum. As you say much better than human children who would pester mum.
19 Jul, 2012
oh that is awful very sad.I do hope mum cat gets well soon.x
19 Jul, 2012
Kat such a sad blog. I had tears in my eyes reading this. I do believe they feel pain - when my dog lost his brother, he changed and has never really been the same. That was 7 years ago!
I hope mum gets over her ordeal and that Mr Marble's pain eases x
19 Jul, 2012
Dear all, thank you very much for your kind support. It was not my intention to make you cry, I just wanted to show animals which do feel as people and sometimes even more then people.
Nariz, I think you referred to animals not to people. I always have tears in my eyes when I remind my foxterrier, whom one guy shot in front of my eyes when I was seven. Bjs, unfortunately, in Slovakia there is similar law, but money are more. I once said to a woman, when I saw her dog haunting our cats at the bank of the river and then haunting wild ducks, to keep her dog on a strap. She answered to me "You will have to adapt to it."
Even once I went in the town. There were not so many people in the street, as it was one of the small streets in the capital. There was a man whom I saw with people from American Embassy walking with a big dog of unknown rase to me. He released his dog from the collar just few meters from me. The dog ran to me, jumped on me so I almost lost balance and I heard how his teeth clocked at my neck. Fortunately had leather muzzle. It was like a bad film. Like what soldiers do to people in Guantanamo. I screamed and shouted on him and on a couple who was just passing by, but they walked in haste away. Some people think, they are allowed to do anything.
19 Jul, 2012
Oh Kat this is a sad blog, I`m sorry you lost one of the kittens, thank goodness the mother is recovering, little Marble does look a bit lost bless him, lets hope his mum is feeling well enough to play with him soon...
I do agree about animals mourning, whenever we lose one of ours, the others wander around looking and waiting as if hoping the other is coming back, when we lost Malik 3yrs ago Morgan our choc/lab pined for weeks, he moped, followed us about and even cried for his pal, one of the reasons we decided to get Brynner was for Morgans sake as well as ours..
21 Jul, 2012
Animals not just mourn, they also remember. However, same as in humans, it is often individual quality.
22 Jul, 2012
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that's so sad Kat, i'm sorry to hear about your cat's injuries and loses.
18 Jul, 2012