Sloshed Slugs
By katcod
Have found a way to get rid of slugs…get them dead drunk on beer! Have dug small containers full of beer into the ground nearby the plants and vegies that the slugs find so delicious. Next morning you’ll find some floating dead in the amber nectar. Tried it out first with beer from the fridge (Fosters) which they liked, but I like it better….so tried the cheaper Tesco brand beer and they still like it.
24 Aug, 2008
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does the singing and dancing in the middle of the night from the drunk slugs not wake you up katcod lol
24 Aug, 2008
Thanks for that Wohbuhli true most men do dislike slugs getting their beer.Happy to hide under a grapefruit skin while drinking my beer if you think this would help!
24 Aug, 2008
I don't waste beer on my slugs - a pinch of salt on each one is a very satisfying way to get rid of them!
24 Aug, 2008
Pinch of salt ugh horrible mess, what i do is after a wet evening go around the garden with a torch and collect up as many as i can find, and then go walkies with them. I have a nice little spot where they go.
24 Aug, 2008
Janet i wondered who was chucking slugs over my back gate...
24 Aug, 2008
Kev My neighbour insists he never has any slugs or snails in his garden, i know he does. lol
25 Aug, 2008
My grandmother taught me this trick, which most men dislike using! : ) They also like to hide under grapefruit skins. The slugs not the men! LOL
24 Aug, 2008