Gypsies jinx
I was brousing through some old photo`s & having a trip down memory lane,when I came across a photo of a vase of red & white roses that my mother used to have in the hallway ,on a table, in her old house quite a few years ago.
At the time we used to get regular visits from, (who were then known as gypsies),selling pegs & little brass pixies & charms ect.
On one particular occasion my mother answered the door to a gypsy lady selling lavender,who saw the vase of roses in the hall.She told my mother to seperate the red from the white,as red & white roses together were a sign of blood & bandages & that something bad would happen if she left them together.
Poor mum rushed to the vase & seperated them straight away,& to this day has never put red & white roses together again.
I myself thought this to be an old wives tale,& used to laugh & joke about it,but poor mum who`s in her 80s & now living in a care home still remebers & believes in this jinx bless her.
Was just wondering if anyone else had heard of this saying before or is it just a gypsies jinx.
30 Jan, 2012
Just remembered, the Concert Hall in Vienna where the wonderful 2012 New Year's Day Concert was held, was decorated this year with 30,000 red and white flowers.
I think its still standing.
30 Jan, 2012
never heard this - but will never do it now! I do believe it - Really cool you put this :))))))))))
My Mum had her palm read when she was 16 - Maybe just lucky guess work but it all came true!! By the way ever seen Thinner by Stephen King ?
30 Jan, 2012
I have heard of this too,and the connection betwen blood and bandages our hospital wouldn't let them be placed together on the wards didn't bother me then..or now..but there were lots of things you weren't supposed to do..and I won't walk under a ladder,after doing it once ,just before I got clobbered in the mouth with an upcoming end of a see saw.. I had my 'Sunday best' cream wool coat on at the time,coming home from Sunday school..,so the colours almost fit ! ..Boy,was I in trouble when I got home :o)..
30 Jan, 2012
I used take a turn doing the flowers in my church and one day I was hauled over the coals by an elderly member for putting red and white flowers on the communion table. She said "you'll have all the ladies collapsing if you put red and white flowers in together"....I couldn't believe it....I thought superstitious nonsense like that had no place in church, but you live and learn! :))
30 Jan, 2012
It's all what you believe in. I have a border with just red and white flowers. If people think it's unlucky, don't look at it. Personally I wouldn't grow pink and orange blooms together, but if it makes you happy, just do it
30 Jan, 2012
I've heard of it because my mother used to say it. She used to say it was a sign of blood and bandages. I don't believe it though.
We also used to have gipsies coming around selling paper flowers and pegs etc. You don't see them now.
I've got a rose which has red and white tones in the same flower. Should I get rid of it ?
30 Jan, 2012
I have some peacock feathers in a vase,from a friends bird,some people wont have them in home..evil eye aparently,but I have always loved them such beautiful colours.Anyone heard that?
30 Jan, 2012
No no don't, I have practicly the whole tail, but i'm keeping mine!! Just old fashion superstition,but interesting.
30 Jan, 2012
Oh no! I did`nt mean to upset anyone with this,please don`t start digging up your gardens & smashing your vases there only old wives tales.
We all have good & bad things happen to us but they don`t happen because we have red & white flowers together or because we walk under ladders ect,if you were told its bad luck to wear clothes would you walk around naked,haha.
Hywel,the saying is not to mix whole red & whole white flowers so please don`t get rid of your red & white rose,like I said there just old wives tails.
And as far as the gypsies go they were just trying to to make money,if you did`nt buy anything from them they used to spit on your doorstep & curse you so people were pressured into buying from them.
At the end of the day,(like Steve said) its what you believe in,a bit like religion i suppose we dont all believe in the same thing.
30 Jan, 2012
My mother was a florist and horticulturist. She used to make the most beautiful bridal bouquets but would never put red and white flowers together. I don't think she ever learnt this from gypsies though it was just 'not done' becuse it meant 'blood would be spilt' She also used to give lectures on the symbolism of flowers - especially when they were incorporated into her ikebana arrangements; she was one of the first English professors of Ikebana gaining her qualifications in the late 1960's. Funny, I never put red and white flowers together in vases etc.
30 Jan, 2012
With the greatest respect to all your believe`s,there may not be red & white flowers in hostpital wards together,but they are still full of patients who have spilt blood & are bandaged every day.hope you can see where i`m comming from on this.
On my last comment I put (its like steve said) what I meant to put is (its like Andrew said) sorry about that Andrew.
30 Jan, 2012
You didn't upset me in the least,Kev,and I know the ladder thing was totally coincidental..:o)...I am not really just made me remember this incident.Lol...I soon recovered,coat was cleaned ,end of story.I should have gone straight home instead of messing about.
I remember the gypsy's well too..we used to buy the pegs occasionally..but not the 'lucky' white heather..!.I think they got annoyed with people more, because of how they were treated and spoken to,by householders..can't say I blamed them..I would have done the same..more down to bad manners and prejudice,I think..:o)
30 Jan, 2012
You have a point there Bloomer & thanks for that.
30 Jan, 2012
I've heard quite a few people say don't put red and white flowers together. However over 40 years ago I had red and white flowers at my wedding, and the bridesmaids wore deep red velvet. (It was December) So far we have not had a serious accident!
How about avoiding blue and green in case you bruise yourself?
30 Jan, 2012
I've got no intention of getting rid of the red and white rose Kev :o) That was said 'tongue in cheek' :o) I'm not superstitious.
Last year I had red and white Buzzy Lizzies together in a window box, and in November I fell in the garden, and had 3 cuts on my left leg (I didn't use any bandages lol). But I fell because I wasn't looking where I was going. It would have happened whatever colour the Buizzy Lizzies were :o)
30 Jan, 2012
Steragram love the blue & green comment haha! still laughing haha but dont think we can avoid them what with the leaves being green & all.
30 Jan, 2012
I chuckled at that too,Steragram....those are two other colours that made up a popular saying,when I was young.
"Blue and green should never be seen,
excepting on a Fairy Queen "! What's that all about,Kev?
any ideas ?
30 Jan, 2012
I heard this when I was about 9 and we had a school fair, with a flower arranging competition, and I cut some of my Mum's Paul Scarlet roses and put them in a low vase with some very sweet little white dianthus. I was so confident I'd win, because they looked so pretty. Imagine my confusion when I found that my entry hadn't even been displayed - I just found my Mum's empty vase in a box under the display table. I found my lovely roses and pinks in a bin, and a very indignant teacher berated me for daring to put red and white together, and asked me what I thought I was trying to do. I had no idea what I had done wrong and went home in tears. It was the old "Blood and bandages" thing, and I was made to feel stupid and wicked. The teachers thought I was "trying to be clever" and wouldn't believe I had never heard of it.
30 Jan, 2012
Thats awful Jan(Gattina) is she still alive ? if so I will send her some red & white flowers for valentines day.
30 Jan, 2012
I think that one has something to do with the colour of clothes we ware bloomer, although Ive no idea why.
30 Jan, 2012
ah,yes,I seem to remember about the clothes,Kev......they look great in the garden,anyway..:o)
30 Jan, 2012
my father in law used to say red and green never be seen regards clothes.
we still have 'travellers' knocking on doors. they live in the permanent travellers site, 1/2 a mile away. They dont like to be called gypsies. there is a thriving community here and the local school caters for them, with soe good successes.
30 Jan, 2012
Actually,I think you are right about the colours, was red and green! still looks ok to me in the garden.:o)..I don't refer to Travellers as Gypsies now,,but I was referring to how they used to be known by a lot of names in the past,things have changed..and a lot of them now are much worse,in some respects..most of them unknown to us much for progress,eh?
30 Jan, 2012
Thank you to each & everyone for your comments & views on this blog,we really are an opinionated lot hey & thats what makes G.O.Y the best & most interesting & friendly website.
30 Jan, 2012
Enjoyed reading all these comments :). We don't get gypsies/travellers round so much nowadays. I remember telling one of them 'no thanks' when I was a teenager, my mum made me run up the street after her and give her a bit of silver for luck!
30 Jan, 2012
Aw its not true what they say about the scotts being tight with money then scottish that was very generous of your mum.Although cant say same for you no thanks indeed haha!
30 Jan, 2012
When I was 14 I needed all my pennies for my ciggies!!!!
I used to go without lunch so I could buy my cigs so wasn't going to be parted with my cash that easily :)). So I'm not tight just selfish!!!!
30 Jan, 2012
Your nice,friendly & fun as well though scottish,.........haha creeeeeeeeep.
30 Jan, 2012
Speaking of Travellers/Gypsies/Romanies. I have just finished reading 'A field full of Butterflies - Memories of a Romany Childhood' by Rosemary Penfold. An interesting and enjoyable read and in many respects it brought back memories of things I did and enjoyed during my childhood years in the Peak District.
2 Feb, 2012
The blood and bandages may date back to the time when barbers doubled as surgeons...hence the red and white pole. Of course I could be talking gibberish. My mum would not have gypsophilla in the house as she considered it unlucky. I pride myself on not being at all superstitious, but like most people I don't like to tempt fate and would never put shoes on the table (another of my mums) and throw salt over my shoulder if I spill any as long as no one sees me;-)))
Re travellers, when I was quite newly married, I was told off by a neighbour for giving water to a traveller. They had parked their caravans on a nearby park. Who would refuse anyone water?:-)
4 Feb, 2012
Many yrs ago my Mum told me mix red and white flowers together and never to take red and white flowers into a hospital.Yes blood and bandages is what she said and it really was taboo.
I like red and green but it was instilled to me that red and green should never be seen .
As a kid growing up in Aberdeen we had many gypsies come to the door selling their pegs dusters etc.
Mum alway bought from them happy memories.
15 Feb, 2012
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Yes, my mother-in-law came from Gipsy stock and would never have red and white together about the house. She also believed in the Ouja Board carry on.
Had no interest in gardening.
Thats the great joy of GoY - brings together sensible people !
30 Jan, 2012