animal lovers: this is disgraceful
By lauram
Please forgive my venting. I have been venting about this all day and still need to vent some more.
As I’ve mentioned before, I work in a county animal shelter. This morning I found an email from a friend involved in cat rescue sitting in my inbox. She’d forwarded an article from about the Carroll County Animal Shelter. This is not my place of employment, but I live in Carroll County, & so my tax dollars support this shelter and pay employees’ salaries. I knew conditions were bad there, I knew that staff were unresponsive regarding animal control and welfare issues, I knew the director was a former prison guard and part of the good ol’ boy network so pervasive in local politics and government. But I didn’t expect this. Here are a few excerpts from the article:
“This week has been declared National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week by the Humane Society of the US, which would have us believe that shelter staff are caring and would stop at nothing to save the lives of animals, that they hate killing more than anyone else. The No Kill Advocacy Center counters that the evidence shows otherwise….Carroll County, Georgia is a case in point.
The numbers for the third quarter of 2010 at the Carroll County Animal Shelter are out and indicate that the place is ripe for reform. The department’s webpage states that “one of our most important tasks is the promotion of adoption of animals from the shelter.” Their own numbers indicate that they are failing miserably in this most important of tasks. In the months of July thru September 2010, the shelter took in 902 cats, and killed 904. They actually managed to kill 2 more cats than they took in…this is possible because there were already cats in the shelter at the start of the quarter. Only 46 cats were adopted during this 3 month period. One was reclaimed. Zero were rescued….The Carroll County Animal Shelter has a reputation for being “rescue-unfriendly.”
The situation is not much better for dogs. In the 3rd quarter of 2010, the shelter took in 971 dogs and killed 862. 6 dogs were rescued during that entire 3 month period, a rate of about 1 every 2 weeks.
They killed 1766 animals in 3 months – that’s a rate of nearly 20 per day. Or you could look at it as a rate of nearly 27 for every day the shelter was open to the public or 1 for every 25 minutes that the shelter was open to the public.
In the 3 months spanning July thru September 2010, only 261 dogs and cats got out of the CCAS alive. The shelter killed 94.29% of all dogs and cats it took in, which certainly ranks it among the worst-performing shelters in the nation."
And, GOY’ers, this shelter had EMPTY CAGES available! They were not operating at even close to capacity & yet they still euthanized nearly every dog and cat that walked through the doors. This is a disgrace. We taxpayers paid for a brand-new shelter last year – the old one was filthy and cramped, with leaking ceilings & no heat – in the hopes that animal care would improve & adoptions would increase. The problem is that the attitude didn’t change. It is still run by West Georgia rednecks and corrupt lifetime county employees who only want an easy paycheck. Animal control wouldn’t even call me back when I left messages about my neighbor’s dog, who’d been hit by a car but was not receiving vet care! How would they like to be tied to a tree with a broken leg? They can’t be bothered to investigate serious animal welfare situations, but if a deer with a nice rack gets killed on the road, the employees are all out there fighting to get it! They even euthanized a pit bull puppy who had been adopted from our shelter, but surrendered to the Carroll shelter, the same day she came in! That was a good dog and there was no reason for her to die; I would have adopted that puppy. I am sickened by this but I don’t know quite what to do. I suppose I’ll call my district’s commissioner and complain….and then spread the word to everyone I know. Most people here have pets & I’m sure that most of them have no idea what’s going on. I didn’t, and I’m in the business, so to speak, as well as being involved in rescue.
Thanks for reading and letting me get this out.
11 Nov, 2010
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That's disgusting. I hope something can be done about it
11 Nov, 2010
What a terrible situation all those poor animals put to sleep,I do hope something get's done.
11 Nov, 2010
Those poor little cats and dogs how on earth cat anyone be so crual, i think the people who run the place need putting to sleep, please let us know if anything gets done about it, fingers crossed that something gets done about it :(
11 Nov, 2010
I think the best thing would be publicity.....Lots of negative publicity. Maybe some investigative reporters...I mean, what's happening to all the money they are getting for supporting the animals? Obviously, its not going on food etc if they are killing everything. Surely that's worth some reporter looking into. It's too bad some high profile news program can't get to know about it. Something like 60 Minuets. At least your local news program. What about contacting some organization like 'Last Chance for Animals'?
11 Nov, 2010
Hi Lauram,
Last year a did a portrait for a BBC programme which was called "Unsung Heroes". One of the heroes ran an animal sanctuary where all the animals were for sale or had a home for life. She told me about a neighbouring animal home where a member of staff emailed them to say healthy animals were being put down. She visited the animal home and offered to take the animals which would have saved them the injection cost and saved the animals lives. They said no, the only way they could have the animals was if they paid for them. These are people who are meant care for animals!!!! In the end our hero paid for the animals to go to their sanctuary.
11 Nov, 2010
this is disgraceful, those poor animals...this must be so upsetting for you & you do so much to help animals to, i hope something can be done
11 Nov, 2010
There was a meeting about this on Monday evening, but I was unaware of it so I didn't attend. It turns out that my district's commissioner is the person who spearheaded the drive for the new shelter several years ago, and clearly she is very animal-friendly.
I haven't visited the new shelter, which opened this year, but the old one was a hellhole. Maybe the next day I have off I'll take a trip to the new one & check it out. I'm afraid I'll walk out with another cat or dog, though; it'll be difficult to turn away, now that I know what goes on there.
11 Nov, 2010
I read your blog yesterday lauram, and have been so sickened and appalled I don't know what to say. Just thought I would add my name to your list of support.
12 Nov, 2010
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I just am flabergasted that there are no checks on places that purport to be animal rescue centres....this particular facility needs prompt investigation and the people who run it need to be accountable for their gross mis-treatment with the animals under their care!
I sure don't see anything like what you describe happening in our area of the UK....I can understand how upset it hs made you, Lauram.
Will there now be an investigation into this facility? They have great facilities it seems, but terrible staff in charge. I hope things change...and quickly, for the better.
11 Nov, 2010