I'm enjoing Grow very much
By liasciubba
This is very nice blog I’m glad to know new friends who share my passionfor garding!
4 Jul, 2013
Previous post: my gardening expirence
Next post: today
It's a lovely site here isn't it, I love being able to share my love of gardening with people who love it too:)
5 Jul, 2013
And to find out about gardening in other countries too
5 Jul, 2013
Welcome to GoY, liasciubba. I have very happy memories of holidays spent in Abruzzo, a very beautiful part of Italy. We used to stay in a village called Scanno and swim in the nearby lake. the water was very cold being up in the mountains, but welcome in the summer heat.
Looking forward to hearing about your gardening and seeing some photos too I hope.
5 Jul, 2013
Welcome from me too, good to meet you :O)
5 Jul, 2013
And from me too - looking forward to seeing photos of your garden.
5 Jul, 2013
Here's another welcome for you :o)
5 Jul, 2013
And yet another from me!
5 Jul, 2013
Thanks to all of you! I love Brit manners! You are all so kind!
5 Jul, 2013
Xela, I don't know very well Lago of Scanno,yes it's beutiful,I live in Guardiagrele Chieti, next o Pescara, we are the hill with Maiella in front of us and the sea in ahalf hour drive! If you come back tell me can meet!
5 Jul, 2013
Wow, beautiful mountains and sea nearby, what could be better!
One day I intend to have a holiday in Italy and to visit Rome again, my husband's sister and her husband live there and often invite us to stay. It isn't so very far from you so a GoY meet would be possible, lovely to look forward to.
6 Jul, 2013
Messed up the flags again. Its in Italy it seems !
6 Jul, 2013
Yes it's ITaly Abruzzo!
7 Jul, 2013
Xela, Rome is a two hours drive from me! Let me know if you are coming!
7 Jul, 2013
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25 Dec, 2013
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13 Jul, 2013
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12 Jul, 2013
- my gardening expirence
1 Jun, 2013
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19 Feb, 2013 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Nov, 2009
Welcome to Goy ! Do you have plenty of rainwater in
Spain ? What kind of plants do you grow ?
5 Jul, 2013