my gardening expirence
By liasciubba
Soory I’m Italian, so fogive my English
Is there ANY italian in this comunity?
I own a roof garden so I can only grow in pots, I love David austins roses this year in Italy it is raing and doing cold.
I ha d a wonderful flowering of Golden celebration, but The Generous gardener is doing many leafes and no flower, I wonder why. I have Asarina seeds from Suttons, does anybody knows if it’s too late to sow now?
1 Jun, 2013
Next post: I'm enjoing Grow very much
Hello Liasciubba and welcome to Goy. There are a few Italian members
This link will give you some advice about sowing your seeds - it says they need a period of cold for germination so it may be too late for this year.
Good luck with your roof garden.
1 Jun, 2013
Hi thank you I think I'll tray to saw because it's cold this year for beeing june!
1 Jun, 2013
Ha ha it!
1 Jun, 2013
Its the same for all of us Lias. Keep writing to Goy and reading the comments, as it will improve your English.
Where do you live in Italy?
I enjoy Frances Mayes books about Tuscany. It was so funny in 'Bella Tuscany' as she saw someone plant hunting further up one of her terraces. This person obviously thought she was still away earning her living in San Francisco. The next day she was sold some salad vegetables that were obviously wild plants on the market, and realised this person had pinched them from her
garden !
2 Jun, 2013
Hi Liasciubba and welcome to goy
If you put Gattina into the white search box top right on this page it will take you to her gardening profile she is English and lives in Bologna, from her home page you can send her a private message
As Diane says chatting to us on here will help your english and we will learn about your italian garden x
2 Jun, 2013
Dainebulley, I never red Frances Mayes, I Love Agata Chriestie and oscar wilde , I'm going to look for some of her books! Thanks
2 Jun, 2013
I think she has only written two, they are classics and well worth keeping.
'Under the Tuscan sun' and 'Bella Tuscany' only £6.99
in English money.
2 Jun, 2013
I like a good detective story too Lias have you read any Donna Leon she sets the stories in Venice
2 Jun, 2013
Oh I LOVE Donna Leon books! I am busy working my way through all of them - two a week. I think you'll find, though, Pam, that the only language they haven't been translated into is Italian, for fairly obvious reasons. Many Italians would be shocked and outraged by them, but I am sure they are very, very accurate. We know Venice very well as OH's cousin married a Venetian and lives there, and Daughter has lived and worked there, too. Frances Mayes' books are quite interesting, but very romanticised. I prefer Tim Parks' books.
Welcome to Goy, Lia. I think your English is pretty darned good, and we'll have very little trouble understanding you. I just wish my Italian were as good.
5 Jun, 2013
hi Liasciubba
there is a golden celebration too in my garden, plus some more from Austin uk.
Dont worry about language. They all talk gardeniglish here and we comunicate well.
Just me use sometime Greeklish to comunicate with greeks here.
5 Jun, 2013
Oh Bik, that is so wonderful - you have it absolutely right - we DO speak "gardeniglish" on Goy, and we all manage very well, whatever our nationality. If there are any problems, there's always Google to translate. (which can be hilarious)
5 Jun, 2013
Ho David Austen rose in vaso e ancora non fiori. Di solito fiore da luglio. Buona fortuna con il vostro giardino
6 Jun, 2013
Hey! Another linguist!
6 Jun, 2013
Wow! I can almost understand what Skip is saying . . .
Bik - "gardeniglish" is just brilliant - a language we can all speak and understand :)))
Welcome to GoY Lia!
7 Jun, 2013
Thank you Sheilabub, nice yo meet you!
7 Jun, 2013
Lia, where do you buy your David Austen roses? We were surprised and delighted to find them on sale in a big Bolognese garden centre. Nearly all the roses we have here in our garden, though, were originally brought out from England, and seem to love the climate.
7 Jun, 2013
I bought some from Nino Sanremo on internet, and others in a garden center near Pescara, each year in may the have a rose show (nothing special) but they have AUstin rosese for 16,90 euro, so eache year, since 2011 I buy 2 rosese: actually they don't have all the secection of English catalogue, but they all fabulous!
7 Jun, 2013
That is a very good price indeed! Here, we would have to pay about €26 or more. You will have to buy more pots to plant them all.
7 Jun, 2013
Welcome Lia...great to have another Italian gardener on here! I'm afraid my Italian is rubbish, but your English is we're ok! :))
4 Jul, 2013
You thik so? Many times I make mistake and other times I ask to google translator but it's a mess! I do my better!
Sincirely I must ackknowledge that I lived in Bronx for the first 10 years of my life and went to school (4th grade) so this is my
Do you know other italians on goy?e blighted English!
4 Jul, 2013
No, only Gattina....who is from UK I think?! but it is lovely to have you, and yes...your English is perfectly good. I understand you quite well! I could quote some Italian poetry and opera lyrics to you, but never learned to actually speak the language!
4 Jul, 2013
There have been several Italians here on Goy, Lia, but recently they have not been active. They haven't closed their accounts, though, I think. You will have to put up with us Brits! :o( (There are lots of other nationalities, though)
5 Jul, 2013
maybe they will come back now that Lia is on!
5 Jul, 2013
I do hope so.
5 Jul, 2013
I love Brits!
5 Jul, 2013
That's so nice of you - thank you! We are all very fond of the Italians, too! (And their food)
5 Jul, 2013
Food is really good here, but make superb bakery in England,I adore muffins for exemple|
5 Jul, 2013
The Brits are particularly good at baking and pudding-making. In Italy, the ice-creams can be very, VERY good, but I get tired of tiramisu and "zuppa inglese" is awful. (no English person ever made soup like that!)
6 Jul, 2013
Opera libretti can be great for learning Italian, Karen. Only recently did I learn that "donna e mobile" means "women are fickle"! Sorry, now you'll be singing that all day (could be worse!) . . .
6 Jul, 2013
It's when you get on to things like "O Sole mio" and find that quite a lot of it is written in local dialect that the problems start....... ! Now you'll be singing THAT all day, Sheila. Sorry! Maybe we should stick to "Just one Cornetto." ;o)
Speaking of which - have you got all the hot weather I've been doing my best to waft towards the UK yet? We've got rain all next week, and this lovely sunshine has to go SOMEWHERE.
6 Jul, 2013
Yup! Thanks very much Gattina - v. generous of you. It's been hot and sunny for three days now . . . wonderful to swan around in light clothes and flip-flops, and the forecast is good for a least five more days. We're making the most of it (i.e. sitting in the garden)!
Will the rain be welcome??
6 Jul, 2013
Oh yes, Sheila! I never thought I'd find myself saying that, but it would be. Most years, by now the lawn is a lost cause, the insects chew on us most nights, and sleep is difficult, the surrounding countryside has gone rather brown, the rivers are running at most as a trickle, the wildlife are finding life difficult and gardens attractive and there's a definite fire-risk. By the end of August, it would be much worse. This year, thank goodness, winter has been long, if not as hard as previous years, and apart from some welcome warm, sunny days, it's often been cool and quite rainy. The increased rainfall has played havoc with the structure of the land and we've had record numbers of landslides and collapses, but the countryside is still green and burgeoning, and we'd rather like it to continue. Nights are still lovely and cool. We had about 10 days of intensely hot weather a couple of weeks back, with temperatures in the forties, which was very uncomfortable, then it went VERY cold (heating back on) at the end of June but it's really nice now. Not having to water the whole garden twice a day with metered water is a bonus, too. The poor plants don't seem to know what to make of it, and half my broccoli is ready to pick, lettuces have bolted, courgettes gone mad, but some seedlings are still in the greenhouse. It makes life interesting, doesn't it? Where would we be without the occasional challenge?
6 Jul, 2013
I can speak with english songs
I Iwish I could swing
like a dolfin
a dolfin can swing
though nothing would keep us togerther
you can beet them forever and ever
we ca be heroes just for one day
I heard telephones oprahouse favorate meoldys
I saw boys girls electric irons and tvs
ma brian hurt like a warehouse
I hd no room to spare
I had to cram so many things to store everything in there
and all the tall-short people
and all the fat-skinny people
and all the nobody peaple
I never thoght I'd need so many people
I love these songs!
7 Jul, 2013
swim not sming!
9 Jul, 2013
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Hi liasciubba, I'm not sure if there are any Italians, I know there are lots of people from many different countries and it's very interesting to hear about your gardening experiences.
I love David Austin Roses too and have several in my garden but it's too early for them to flower yet, I've got buds but no flowers. I'm not sure about your Asarina seeds, but you might as well try them, see what happens:)
1 Jun, 2013