Snow Time
By libby
I woke this morning and realised that April can be so fickle, last year we were enjoying the sun this month. I don’t really mind but it does affect all the little creatures that inhabit my garden.
We have just lately had a spell of fairly mild and dry weather and all things plants insects and animals in my garden have been growing and going about their business.
I have two rather large wild pideons that live a few conifers away they have names Walter and Waynetta ( i think they are a pair) as they seem to always be bickering and the smallest one certainly does wear the trousers.
I like them they are so cheeky and always around when i am in the garden.
I sometimes think how they do they cope but i think we have all had to get used to the changing seasons and we look out for each other.
I have plenty of greenhouse gardening to keep me busy in the next few weeks lets hope the sun returns soon.Happy Days All.
6 Apr, 2008
More blog posts by libby
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It still amazes me this wonderful British weather of ours!
Lovely snow capped garden
6 Apr, 2008
Recent posts by libby
- finally some photos of the begining of a little piece of heaven
21 Aug, 2012
- Back again
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- A Special Place
22 Jun, 2008
- Birds of a Feather
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- Spring has Sprung
31 Mar, 2008
- Memories ( For My Little Dog Bubbles )
31 Jan, 2008
I have a couple of collared doves that visit my garden everyday for food (well I like to think it's the same couple everytime). I have nicked named them George and Mildred. Whenever they are in the garden, one feeds whilst the other looks out for danger. I always find it touching to see them looking after one another.
6 Apr, 2008