Birds of a Feather
By libby
Hi all,
Hope everyone is ok this morning i walked my new puppy and when i returned home with her we went into the garden.I have a very large conifer in my garden right down by my patio it must be around 25ft in height i planted it by a small pond over 25 years ago thinking that won’t grow too big, the pond has long gone but the conifer stayed.
There is where a story begins we are very priveledged to have a pair of Robins nesting in our big conifer and they sit on our trellis resting in between fetching and carrying food back to the nest. They are nesting very low in the tree and we can hear the chicks when their parents return.
This is an absolute delight and we thought things couldn’t get any better but they did while weeding my little border by the tree(keeping an eye on Lou my puppy at the same time) to our amazement we saw two male Robins on the trellis fearless as these little birds are they both had grubs in their beaks they both went into different parts of the conifer we then knew that they both had families in our conifer.
This tree has been home to many blackbird families it just seems so wonderful doesn’t it when wild birds choose to bring their families up so near and trust us not to interfere.
It has been cold and windy here today i have seen the robins this
afternoon going about their business looking after their family.
The cheeky little birds keep pulling up the moss i have round my herb pot (well they are keepng their little ones warm).
Take care and happy days.
Kind Regards
26 May, 2008
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So what kind of a puppy do you have? I got a shi-poo last spring( he is 1 now) after my 12 year old dalmation had passed on. Then, foolishly, decided he needed a kitten to grow up with. Eeek!! It has been like having two toddlers all over again! But you can't help love the little demons! They are great company now that they are starting to settle down!
27 May, 2008
Keep an eye on the robins. Maybe you'll see them being tought how to fly. When I lived in the old cottage a few years ago I had a very old cat called Fluffy. She knew there was a nest nearby but she was too old to do anything to it. She would just sit and look up at where the nest was.
Later on I saw the mother robin teaching a baby to fly. She kept flying up and down the garden, from the nest to a fence and back again chirping all the time. After a while there was a baby flying with her. They went back and fore a few times, and then the baby flew away. I took a picture of it when it landed on the ground once, but I had to make sure Fluffy didn't get it. If I can find the pics I'll put them on the site.
Keep watching, maybe you'l see them learning to fly.
27 May, 2008
what a lovely blog libby, its great to watch them in the garden, building their nests and feeding their young.
27 May, 2008
Wow How Lucky u are Libby 2 have such great birds living in ur Conifer, bet ur glad u planted it all that time ago as its given fab homes & also wonderful pleasure 2 you watching it all :)Thanx 4 sharing such a fab blog :D
27 May, 2008
We have a pair of bluetits,that have nested about 12ft from our conservatory,and we can sit and watch them ferrying food to the babies they should be fledging any day soon,I just hope we don,t miss it.
27 May, 2008
Libby it's just lucky for the Robin family that you kept that old conifer tree of yours and you too when you come to think about it as you sound as if you're getting as much enjoyment from the Robins as they are with their
27 May, 2008
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Recent posts by libby
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- A Special Place
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- Snow Time
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- Memories ( For My Little Dog Bubbles )
31 Jan, 2008
Right you are, the birds in the yard are wonderful to watch! This year I've mostly blackbirds so far... but even they are fun to watch with their nestlings! Enjoy your robins!
26 May, 2008