New to the site
By lisal
Hello everyone , have just stumbled across this site and think it’s wonderful. I have a large garden which is walled and used to be a kitchen garden to the nearby estate… lucky me. I feel privaleged indeed. I sometimes panic about the size but have found that if i tackle area by area it is less daunting. I will be gleaning as much info out of my fellow gardeners as possible from this site and look forward to posting some pics of my lovely garden.
23 Jul, 2011
More blog posts by lisal
Next post: wildlife in the garden.
Welcome to GOY Lisal .
23 Jul, 2011
Welcome :o) I'm sure you'll enjoy it on here :o)
23 Jul, 2011
Hi,Lisa,and welcome..:o)..Your garden sounds great,,look forward to seeing some pics :o)
23 Jul, 2011
Hi and welcome from me to. Dont forget the before photos are just as interesting too. Look forward to seeing what you are up to. Good luck
23 Jul, 2011
welcome from me to lisa, look forward to seeing your garden :o)
23 Jul, 2011
I am very envious, your garden sounds like my idea of heaven. Little by little is the way to go, certainly, and there is plenty of advice here.
23 Jul, 2011
Hello Lisal! And welcome to Goy from me too! You'll love it! Your garden sounds great, looking forward to seeing some photos!
23 Jul, 2011
Happy Gardening and Welcome to GoY, you will enjoy it all I am sure.
24 Jul, 2011
25 Jul, 2011
Thank you all, my garden has a long and checkered history. It was foremost the kitchen garden as i have said previously. It is surrounded by a wall, but all the glasshouses have been removed(not by us) but we still have some of the old frames complete with glass tucked away. As such there is an awful lot of glass and bricks embedded in the soil. A lot of the wall still has the old "pegs "that the vines and fruits were tied to.There were hot houses with underground heating vents, forcing pits and the old potting shed has a fireplace in the corner . You can still see the gulleys that i presume hot water used to run through to heat he greenhouses with vents etc. We still have figs and grapes growing. We also have reputedly one of the oldest wisterias in the area as the owners of the manor brought some back from their travels but put it in a hothouse which it didnt like (understandibly) it was moved into the garden where it has thrived. After it stopped being a kitchen garden it was turned into a garden centre, as a result of this parts of it were landscaped so we have a lot of huge and very mature trees which you will be able to see in some of my pictures. Part of the garden became a christmas tree farm! Fortunately not the main lawn as the ground where they were growing is very uneven... still my boys dont mind so it's their play lawn. I have and will continue to put up Photos from time to time. I feel very fortunate to live here it's like living in parkland ( but on a slightly smaller scale) and me a humble nurse Haha! This makes me sound like lady of the manor , but I'm really quite ordinary. Will keep you all posted and am really enjoying this site. x Lisa.
PS Incidentally the wall also runs through the centre of the house. We believe that the potting sheds on either side of the wall were joined up and became our house. An interesting if strange and higgledypiggledy house!
26 Jul, 2011
26 Jul, 2011
That's very interesting :o)
27 Jul, 2011
Welcome Lisal!
31 Jul, 2011
welcome Lisal..the garden sounds fascinating..i look forward to seeing some pictures soon..
1 Aug, 2011
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Welcome Lisa. Looking forward to your pics.
23 Jul, 2011