For all bird watchers
By loosestrife2
A rare and once in a lifetime sight for me. I walked out of the house this early this morning and saw high on a tree in the wooded section behind my back garden something large and white. Getting my binoculars I focused on a Snowy Owl. This bird is very large indeed. Of course I went back into the house to get my camera and of course when I came back out to take a photo it was gone. DARN! I was slowed up a bit since I broke my left arm on Easter Sunday in a fall down the stairs. I thought these owls resided way up in the north but to my surprise when getting further information on the web, I learned that they have been moving further south to the mid Atlantic states of the USA. I will report this sighting to a local ornithological society.
12 Apr, 2015
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Thanks, I'll take a look
12 Apr, 2015
Yup, I deleted one of them Terra.
12 Apr, 2015
12 Apr, 2015
Oh such a treat for you....
in a much smaller capacity when we were in Scotland at easter we saw a stonechat, new bird to me....looked a similar shape and size to our robin but a black head and white collar, more a crimson breast than the robins vermilion, such a treat like your owl
wasn't Harry Potters Hedwig a Snowy Owl?......
12 Apr, 2015
wow you are a lucky devil, owl spotting, that is not breaking your arm :o)
When ever the sparrow hawk or woodpeckers are int he garden I can watch them for 10 or more mins but if I go for the camera they scoot. typical.
12 Apr, 2015
That must have been an exciting sight, I've only ever seen them in bird sanctuaries many years ago but they are a magnificent bird, at the time I never gave it much thought apart from enjoying the excitement on my childrens faces, now I would not like to see them caged up as its so cruel, I guess the poor birds had also had their wings clipped.....
What are you like L'strife, you have only just recovered from your op, surely they didn't treat you so good that you wanted a return visit, seriously I wish you a speedy recovery....
12 Apr, 2015
What a marvellous surprise that was! Owls are amazing birds. so sorry to hear about your accident - you'll be doing one handed gardening for a bit now! Hope it heals quickly.
12 Apr, 2015
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I think your blog is on GoY twice.. maybe delete this one ?
12 Apr, 2015