Will You Come On!!!
By loosestrife2
How many times have you been in the garden enjoying yourself when all of a sudden you have heard "Will You Come On! We’re going to be LATE!, you still have to CHANGE your CLOTHES!!! Now those pleasant moments in the garden have dissolved and the heat is on. No more dear gardeners. I saw in the news this morning that a well known store is selling “fake dirty jeans” for $475 (USA). They are covered with fake dirt and mud and they look just like my garden jeans covered with the real dirt and mud. So eliminate the tense attitudes and tense looks. Just hop right into the car from the garden and go knowing that you are now dressed in high style or the pinnacle of chic:)
25 Apr, 2017
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Anybody want to buy some genuine dirty gardening trousers? A snip at only £50....
25 Apr, 2017
$475!!! Good grief!
I thought the ripped jeans were bad enough.
My D-I-L tells about the time she had saved for some of those ripped ones & proudly wore them on a family visit, later she discovered her Nana had slipped £10 into her purse " to put towards some new jeans, dear".
26 Apr, 2017
In mornings I like to listen to BBC World service (radio) and they even said about these jeans! Read out some of the reviews saying that you can now look like you have been hard at work without doing anything lol. They added that these jeans have been taken off market but still selling see through ones :-0.
Sue and Green finger, you both did make me laugh.
26 Apr, 2017
Oh my goodness. How funny and odd !
I must hold my hand up and admit to owing and even actually wearing ripped jeans.....But fake dirty ones......well its a step too far surely!! Ahaha! ??
26 Apr, 2017
I wear fake clean ones - they are usually muddy but I ignore it :o)
26 Apr, 2017
lol seaburngirl. ?
26 Apr, 2017
Nice to know just how chic I am.
26 Apr, 2017
Lol @ SBG & Linda
26 Apr, 2017
Do you all wear fake clean boots too? I wouldn't be without mine.
26 Apr, 2017
No, Stera, mine are genuine.
27 Apr, 2017
But they only drop fake dirt onto the kitchen floor.....
27 Apr, 2017
Very amusing Loosestrife, I am just not so cool! Or is that not the 'it ' word the young use now.
13 May, 2017
Don't worry, your still in step. The young also use four letters words to express themselves.
13 May, 2017
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Lol, I remember here when people in London could buy fake mud to spray onto their 4 by 4 cars to make it look like they had spent the weekend in a field! What people will do for fashion!
25 Apr, 2017