Well, I'm Not All Talk.......
By loosestrife2
Here are some photos of my garden work in progress. This year I laid in a new mulch path lined with assorted Petunias, New Guinea Impatiens and assorted Zinnias started from seed. Also emerging in pots are Love Lies Bleeding and Canna. Due to my age I am emphasizing container gardening. One experiment though, one of my shade gardens containing hosts was left untouched ( the one with the bird bath) since last year. I wanted to see how good a natural leaf layer was in weed suppression and so far so good. The wooded area beyond the garden gate is protected due to an artesian spring which lies beyond the gate now covered and supported I might add by a mixture of bramble bush and honeysuckle both in flower.
Though not in flower yet I have a good amount of beebalm and cardinal flower coming up so much so that last year the humming birds did not touch the feeder I that I set up. I am looking forward to their arrival which will be just as the beebalm flowers. I have used common names for plants which I assume share the same name no matter where they are…next I will start on my water features both electric and solar. The Zinnia pots will be moved to their final decorative position in another few weeks. As far as my hosta no slugs though I saw a legion of them crawling up the trunk of a tree one night the reason for this I do not know.
21 May, 2017
Previous post: Will You Come On!!!
Next post: Blessed With Happiness
Wow! Aren't the Hostas wonderful this year? No slugs (or not many) over here due to the dry weather we have had. Now we have had some rain it may well be a different matter. Your Salvia is a stunning colour and you weren't kidding about concentrating on pots! However many are there? Must take ages to keep them all watered.
The paths look good and hopefully will keep the weeds down for some time.
Well done for all your hard work and best of luck with the humming birds.
22 May, 2017
Thank you very much Hillside:) Honeysuckle, it takes me about 30 minutes to water everything in the pot and out but it would take me all day to count how many pots I have. All joking aside I am retired and have the time to do it. Why so many pots? I just want to see which plants thrive in that type of situation so I know what to concentrate on next year. I too have thick sticky clay soil ( that I could make pots from) and it is beyond my dealing with it now. Anything that pops up through that mulch path is going to get hit with glycophosphate. Best Regards HS.
22 May, 2017
Beautiful and like honeysuckle, I'm amazed at your Hostas, not a hole to be seen.
22 May, 2017
Wonderful Hostas and a very colourful garden. How lucky you are to have hummingbirds visit your garden.
22 May, 2017
I also like container gardening. Time-consuming to water but so rewarding.
Hummingbirds!! So lovely!
22 May, 2017
You've thought a lot about how to make your garden perform best for you. Well done, Loosestrife2, on interesting photos and lots of hard work !
22 May, 2017
Thank you all! Most of my garden planning has been done with me sitting outside in the dark of night. For some reason I can see my plans better when it is dark and then I carry them out in the day. Also, I have done alot of gardening at night when it is cool and quiet by headlight, floodlight or moonlight. Geeeez I hope that I have not become a Vampire:0
22 May, 2017
do you grow garlic? yes? not a vampire then haha.
the garden is looking very good. full of colour. :o)
23 May, 2017
A lot of thought has gone into the garden you've created with all different areas & so many pots to look after too. Your hostas are looking fabulous, I've put mine in pots this year hoping to protect them.
It doesn't look as though you will be venturing down through the wood to the spring any more, the brambles will keep it well protected.
30 May, 2017
I had made a pathway to the spring but a severe storm brought down some large trees that I could not negotiate over at my age so that is that sad to say.
30 May, 2017
Your garden looks so colourful and your Hostas are amazing, I have read the blogs backwards so already know your secret, I have an army of frogs here but they have let me down a bit and some of my Hostas have been munched, its always good to see what you've been up to L,strife....
31 May, 2017
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Well done. An inspiration
21 May, 2017