Relaxing In Sunshine Colours!
By louise1
There’s nothing i like more than to sit in one of my 4 seating areas and just luxuriate in the beautiful colours of the flowers in my gardens.
Fortunately for me each of the seating areas has an abundance of colour all around it and as i sat on the front garden bench watching the bees buzzing over the flowers i not only thought how very lucky i was to have what i have but also to show other people just what it is that i get so overexcited about !
The bench i’m sat on here is ‘side-on’ to the sunny border, and looking to my left this is what i see …. straight down along/through the sunny side/border and if i look ahead i see directly across to the long semi shade side/border
This is Millie, she’s caught 2 mice in the last couple of weeks. Something she’s never ever done in all her 6 years. Considering she’s got no teeth it’s good going !!!!!
The next few are of some of the flowers that are in that sunny border
These were taken in the back garden, this seating area looks at the rock garden and here’s a selection of flowers from there
Well, must away now, cats to feed, dinner to cook ……. a womans work is never done !!!!!
22 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Monday 22nd June.
Next post: Naughty Louloubelle !!!!!!
Thanks for those nice words Paul.
That shrub is a variegated Pittosporum (Wendel Channon) grown as a hedge behind that border.
(I planted it about 14 months ago and it's about 2' high now).
Fortunately for you, you can't see the atrocious neglected garden next door, i'm growing that hedge to shield that horror from my delicate little eyes !!!!!!!!!
22 Jun, 2009
Your garden is absolutely beautiful. Good on you!
22 Jun, 2009
Oh dear, that's always a shame when neighbours don't look after their's and you get seeds from all their weeds!
Thanks for the answer. I didn't realise it was a Pittosporum. One of my customer's(I do gardening for my living) has a varieagated Pittosporum hedge which has obviously been there for a lot of years and I trim it 3 or 4 times a year to keep it down to about 6/8 feet!
22 Jun, 2009
They're fast growers!
I'd done my research and knew that i wanted this plant but the label specifically said "slow growing" ..... not here its not !!!
I'd be quite annoyed if i'd gone by the advice label and found it to be the opposite of what they'd said !
22 Jun, 2009
Yes, if the plant likes the conditions it doesn't take notice of what the label says does it?And I know a lot of people (not keen gardeners) are often perplexed that plants don't stop growing when they reach the size it says on the label. As I tell some of my customers, plants can't read the labels!!!!
22 Jun, 2009
As you know I love your garden Lou - I can't believe you've only been at this one for 2 years - I have been at this one for 2 years also and there is still sooo much to do - I have had more disasters than successes but seem to be getting there this year
22 Jun, 2009
Beautiful! you enjoy it after all you planted, watered, weeded, fed and cared for it so you just sit back and feel smug as you enjoy all your hard work! I never think of gardening as hard work though because I enjoy it too much! Sue
22 Jun, 2009
Precisely Sue.
Neighbours that pass my garden sometimes comment that i'm "out here again?" and mention the hard work or chore of it and i always put them right ..... "no, it's my hobby" but they just don't 'get it'.
They're happy to sit infront of the tv for hours .... or whatever they do, that's their 'thing', mine is my gardens!
22 Jun, 2009
Lovely garden and such colour
22 Jun, 2009
Being on here has now also become a hobby...more so really, as a hobby is primarily something you do on your own, this club is just great to tune into and just chat with like-minded people. I too get those looks from people passing comments about the "work" i am doing when really I am "just like a pig in muck''. LOL Sue
22 Jun, 2009
Very colourful Louise,I,m also one who considers gardening a pleasure no matter how many hours I spend out there.........
22 Jun, 2009
It's beautiful Louise,
I understand that, my garden is a hobby but Mrs. digs doesn't see it, she keeps coming out and asking when I'll be 'done' and she's always telling me off for 'working to hard' When she asks what i've done and I say 'I don't know I've just been potttering' she can't understand how I can spend a whole morning or even a whole day just 'pottering' and not know what I've actually got done but she can appreciate the fresh carrots, peas, and beans that go with the Sunday roast or the lettuce, toms, radish etc. that has only travelled ten feet to the salad bowl ! LOL
Keep up the brill work
H & K's ..........Ian
22 Jun, 2009
Lovely garden Louise. Really enjoyed looking at your photos. I noticed you managed to catch one of the clan hard at work. Well done. When I try, they get camera shy.
23 Jun, 2009
I have pottered all afternoon and the time has just flown by. I finally (have I?) finished potting up my bedding plants and seem to have filled every available space but actually....there was that tiny space....................LOL
24 Jun, 2009
I think you'll never finish potting because once you've filled every space with lovely blooms, you'll just start making more space LOL
I often look at the lawn that runs across the top of my beds, but Mrs. Digs always seems to catch me just before I take the spade to the turf......
H & K's ........Ian
24 Jun, 2009
Ian, that last comment made me chuckle !!!
25 Jun, 2009
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27 Sep, 2008
Beautifully colourful borders, Louise. You seem to have lots of the same plants as me.(particularly in your sunny border as my front garden is south facing and all the bordrs get sun most of the day.) Great pic of the Campanula (Canterbury Bell). Nice shot of bee on Scabious. What's the variagated shrub behind the Canterbury Bell. Not an Abelia, is it??
22 Jun, 2009