Monday 22nd June.
By louise1
It’s a beautiful morning here.
It’s sunny, quite humid and 19 degrees and it’s only 8am, lovely. My kind of weather.
I’m a person who always walks around the garden from about 5.30 onwards and it always gives me a thrill to see the unfurling buds on all of the plants.
This morning i thought i’d show you 2 new unfurlers !!!
Clematis ‘Niobe’ and Cistus ‘Ladanifer’ both unfurling this morning
And Ipomoea ‘Shiva’ …. she’s been flowering for weeks
Here is Rosa ‘Summer Wine’ ….. she had a stalk ripped from her by a passer-by, don’t you just hate some people?
Gorgeous Cistus ‘Ladanifer’, unfurling ……i love this plant :))
Clematis ‘Dancing Queen’ has been flowering for a couple of weeks now, i love her :))
Oenethera ‘Apricot Delight’ has been flowering for weeks now, lovely pale colour.
Clematis ‘Arabella’
And gorgeous Achillea ‘Rose Madder’, just starting to open up, i love this colour – a pinky rose, a bit shorter than usual too.
Diascia (can’t remember its name at the mo!)
Astrantia ‘Buckland’, i love this one too !!!
Well, it’s so long for now …. work’s calling me, but, i’ll be back …… !!!
Enjoy the day :)
22 Jun, 2009
Previous post: A Colourful Front !
Next post: Relaxing In Sunshine Colours!
That Dancing Queen is a realy lovely flower
22 Jun, 2009
what fantastic pictures you have taken.
these are all very beautifull
x x x
have a great day
x x
22 Jun, 2009
Brilliant pictures, I too like wandering around in the garden very early, and I love to do it after rain in the summer such a lovely smell, it should be bottled.
22 Jun, 2009
What a delight to read this on a Monday morning and such gorgeous flowers! I am one who pops out in my nightie before anyone gets up and cruises around the garden to 'check' things are as they should be. When I went to bed this morning I heard the first birds singing at 3:45. Usually I wake up in bed to hear them. I must be living in a different time zone mentally when I have these late nights. Something goes wrong with my biological clock I think. Should live where Bernieh lives - ahead of myself. Got woken at usual time 5:50 with a cup of tea and stepped onto the treadmill for today. Hope you have a good one and all your admirers too.
I shall have to lie down soon as we have appointments this afternoon and I need to keep awake.
22 Jun, 2009
Beautiful pictures! It's a lovely day here too, down in the far west of Cornwall. Isn't it nice when the forecast is wrong, but in a good way?! They said it would be cloudy & misty, especially near the coast, which I am, but there's not a cloud in the sky.
My sweetpeas are coming on a treat. I will have to start taking pictures too.
Hope your day at work is ok.
22 Jun, 2009
You have lovely plants. I enjoy the morning best.
22 Jun, 2009
Very nice love your plants
22 Jun, 2009
what a wonderful blog Louise - thanks for sharing
22 Jun, 2009
Wonderful flowers, very pretty but so pleased to be looking at them once the streets have aired.I so admire early risers and know that I am missing the best part of the day but I am often awake in the early hours for no good reason so when breakfast time comes round I am ready for sleep LOL It wouldn't do for us all to be the same would it? I know the early bird catches the worm but I don't like them! Sue
22 Jun, 2009
Awww c'mon, try just 1, they're tasty :))
No i agree, it's no good having us all the same, what a boring place it would be !
22 Jun, 2009
Your garden just keeps getting better Louise,
You can put me with Grannysue, I'm often up till 4-5 o clock watching the hedgehogs and our 'pet' wild mouse who lives under the shed He/she often makes a guest appearence just before dawn grabs a quick salad for his breakfast!!
I personally like the pre dawn with the dew and its all quiet, you feel like the only person on earth who's awake.
H & K's.......Ian
22 Jun, 2009
your flowers are georgeous
24 Jun, 2009
great pics Louise1 flowers beautiful
25 Jun, 2009
How could you bear to leave this for work, Louise? Yes, I love having a wander round the garden at 5.30am b4 setting off to work - nothing like it! But your gorgeous pics make it all look simply stunning! :-)
25 Jun, 2009
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Monday's nearly over for me Louise - but it was lovely to see your blog at the end of a long day (it's around 6.00 pm here). That cistus is just beautiful as is the diascia. You have some really lovely plants in your garden - it would be a great way to start the day walking around your garden!
22 Jun, 2009