My first Blog!
By lountad
Thought i’d start a diary for my own sanity so i can try and keep up with the garden and what i need to do to it!
We moved in 7 months ago and there’s so much that needs doing in the garden (and house lol). But the garden is the thing that swung it for me with this house but as seeing as when we moved in i was 7 months pregnant i couldn’t get much done, although i do admit to digging all sorts up even at 9 months pregnant, thought i’d introduce the baby to my love of gardening at an early stage.
Its a shame really because to most people the garden is great, established shrubs and evergreens, a selection of perennials, and all at some point in the past having been landscaped. Trouble is from what i can see nothing has been pruned or cut back for years and everything’s been left to grow overgrow and get leggy. I have a fatsia in the wrong place thats massive with sickly yellow leaves, and about 8 shrubs all 8ft high and battling with each other for space.
Today i actually got out in the mud (and cold) and cut back 2 dogwoods so hopefully next winter they new shoots will be nice and bright not like the old branches that we’re dull and colourless, and in my way!!!
With the kids its really hard to get out there and just do what i want like in the old days when i’d spend all weekend in the garden much to the annoyance of my then boyfriend (and now husband poor sod). Oh well, i know that it won
t always be the case and i suppose if i train my two boys well enough they can do all the horrible jobs for me while i do the nice stuff…..
20 Jan, 2009
Next post: Blog number 2: Anticipation
Thank you - you're right, can't wait for Spring!!!
20 Jan, 2009
Good luck with it :-)
20 Jan, 2009
Hi Lountad, good for you, i can really relate to your story, i remeber gardening at 9 months pregant, - in fact my waters broke while in the garden! oopps! - your garden sounds very much like mine when we moved in, completely overgrown! it has took a while but finally on the way to how i want it now. I get my 3 year old out there as much as possible, also hoping to pass on the love of gardening to her, so far seems to be working, she has her own flower garden, and very much enjoys being out with me even wrapped up well in the cold, which is great, and in my opinoin very good for them, and also added bonus... means more gardening time for me! lol. look forward to reading about all your adventures, and GOY is a great way of keeping track of all whats going on in the garden, i have found it essential to all my many projects.
21 Jan, 2009
Thanks everyone, am really glad i found the site, helps me keep track!
21 Jan, 2009
Hi Lountad. Welcome to GOY......I'm a little late!!
You sound like you have your work cut out for you with little ones and a baby to boot. Having them out in the garden with you will be good for all of you. Give the older ones a place to dig or plant a sunflower seed or two and they'll be happy.
Good luck with you garden. Keep us posted with how you are doing.
21 Jan, 2009
Hi - and welcome from me as well. It sounds as though you have a big job in your garden. Keep posing photos - before and after, it's so interesting for you later - and us as well.
21 Jan, 2009
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It,s amazing that you can get out in the garden at all with a family to look after and a baby , well done Lountad ..
It will all look much better in the spring also you will be able to take the little one out with you in a pram to enjoy the sunshine ... we hope .. LOL
20 Jan, 2009