Lozi's Profile

About me
hello, i am lozzi.I live in devon and I love gardening it is just that i dont seem to have enough time to do it justice. We recently put a small pond in the garden, i have always wanted one but i wanted my children to be older, so now we have one and i love it. I help out at the school when i can, they have an amazing allotment and the children are all encouraged to have a go.My neighbour and i have removed the fence and put a small hedge of beech, it is nice because both our veg patches are now next to each other and we often swap seeds,plants and ideas. In my home made bird box we have a pair of blue tits and i think they are sitting on eggs, my children love watching them flit in and out. Hope i havent bored you. Lozzi. x
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Devon