Lubeelu's Profile

About me
Hi, I'm a relatively novice gardener - I moved in to my first house about 3 years ago, spent the first year looking at the garden wondering what on earth to do with it, and then just started to try planting things, and now have been bitten by the bug. This will be my third summer in my garden and I'm still learning all the time what works and what looks dreadful. Last year's big lesson was - plant in clumps, not in rows!! Oh, and that nothing is quite as demoralising as coming home after a weekend away to discover that baby delphiniums have been razed to the ground by slugs (copper rings this year, and hot salty water for the culprits - much more successful!)
I haven't got a clue about planting schemes and how to take a cutting (that's my next project) but I'm addicted to plants, nurseries, watching things grow, and I take a tour of the garden every morning to see what's come into leaf and's incredibly satisfying.
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Joined in May 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Hertfordshire