The two Rugosa roses
By lulu33
Having fallen in love with the Rugosa roses I was very happy indeed to find two in my local garden centre and of course immediately bought them! They have been sitting patiently in their pots waiting for me to gather the energy to dig two big holes in our very stony ground. As you can see I had some help with the digging!
Puppies having done their bit left me to dig the rest, it took and hour and a half and many naughty words until I could finally plant the roses.
I am now wondering whether I have given them enough space to grow as I have planted quite close to two Magnolia Stellatas and one ribbon barked cherry. What do you lot think?
20 Jul, 2010
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Rugosas in top and bottom left of photo, basically where pups were digging!
20 Jul, 2010
And the magnolias are the plants about 2' away from each of them ?
If so i think i'd shift either the roses or the magnolias because the spread of both plants will restrict each other - not sure who'd win and who'd lose there.
Why not move the rose in the top left of the pic another 3 or 4 feet to our left and the one at the bottom middle of pic to where the grey leaved plant is ..... just some thoughts there :-)
20 Jul, 2010
Oh No! another hour to dig a hole! Not sure if rose will then restrict driveway. Will give it some thought. Thanks x
20 Jul, 2010
Takes me up to 2 hours to dig holes sometimes ...... all the b****y stones and rocks make planting a lot less fun :-((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I'm this house's 3rd owner in 34 years and the previous 2 didn't 'ever' work this land ..... so now it's 'me' that's got the hard work :-(((
20 Jul, 2010
I had the same problem with my back garden, just could not dig no matter how hard I tried. In the end I decided where I wanted my borders/flower-beds and spent all last summer removing yes removing all that awful stoney soil and then replacing it with decent stuff.
Have you considered doing the same? Perhaps take everything out hire a rotavator or use a pik axe and dig up the bad soil and replacing it?? Will make it easier and more fun for you over the yrs to come, just a thought...
I concentrated on my front garden for 6yrs because I could not do anything to my back garden at all I am so glad I got rid of it all now though even though it was hard work, I went for the pik axe method should of hired a rotavator so much easier lol. Finally this summer I get to start planting up my back garden, can't wait. :)
6 Jul, 2011
Oh I know how you feel. We live on Cotswold brash and it's a pain!
I could always lend you our 3 bog doggies Sharni!
Welcome to GoY by the way!
6 Jul, 2011
Don't think my 3 cats would like that lol.... and thanks for the welcome. :)
13 Jul, 2011
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- The danger of dead trees
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Now i could 'really' do with those two 'diggers' to come and help me 'here', i too have horribly stoney/rocky ground :-(
I'm not 100% certain on official planting distances and can't quite see where each specific plant is there but if your instinct is to shift them a bit why not move them a few more feet apart in each direction :-/
Hopefully someone will give you better info on planting distances for the magnolia and cherry and you can take it from there.
20 Jul, 2010