At Last
By lulu33
Rain at last!! It started a light misty rain here in Gloucestershire at about 5am (I don’t sleep too well!!) now it’s 7.30 and the rain is getting heavier! I just checked the 5 day forecast and it looks pretty rainy to me, if they are right!!
Hope all those who need rain get some!!
Photo is of my wet patio, I rather like the effect of the rain, all shiny and reflective. Wetness reminds me of when I was about five years old and living in London. Driving with my parents at night and watching al colours of the shop windows and street lamps reflecting on the wet pavements.
And talking about pretty colours, whilst deleting not so good photos from my computer (a long and arduous process) there came and sat upon the top of the open window a baby Goldfinch. Sadly my camera was out of reach as it would have been a really good photo!!
13 Jul, 2010
More blog posts by lulu33
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Next post: The two Rugosa roses
Reflections are always interesting!!
13 Jul, 2010
13 Jul, 2010
It rained here none stop yesterday, very welcome.Every thing looks lovely and fresh this morning, and i swear the runner beans have shot up another 2ft. lol
13 Jul, 2010
Now that it's rained, don't forget the weetabix for the slugs and snails!!!!! Better than ya Hostas!
13 Jul, 2010
I've never heard of that Lulu, i know i'm daft but do you have to put milk on it ?
13 Jul, 2010
Ha ha LOL no to the milk, just crumble it on the ground and they love it, fills their little tummies!!
13 Jul, 2010
Not fair - rain was forecast here, and did it happen? Nope! We've had one millimetre I've got the hose on again. I can't bear to see my plants dying. Out with the cans again this evening, I suspect!
14 Jul, 2010
Spritz I`ll send you ours cos it doesn`t know when to stop here.....
15 Jul, 2010
doesn't here either, it's persisting down. lmso Lulu at the weetabix,they get enough gormet food in my garden without extras. :0))
15 Jul, 2010
Yes but weetabix stops them from eating our plants because they love it and it fills them up!! By the way I keep forgetting what imso means, for ages I thought LOL meant Lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 Jul, 2010
Hi Lulu lmso means laughed my socks off. and lol can mean one or two things. :0))
17 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the abbreviation info Tulsalady!!
17 Jul, 2010
Recent posts by lulu33
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- Hello and garden update
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- The danger of dead trees
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- A little sunny walk
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You've just said why I always like rain :o)) I remember going in the car and everything shining in the wet . I still like it.
13 Jul, 2010