My first Blog
By mad
It was so hard to leave my Magical garden which I made from scratch, but happily the people who bought it (and the house!) loved it and really cared for it, so this softened the blow.
This garden is much smaller and the hard landscaping was what I would have chosen, with even a little pond. The weeping Silver Birch was being strangled by Ivy and weeds were thigh high, but until we cleared them we had flocks of beautiful gold finches feeding off the seed heads. I really missed them – the finches, not the weeds. The beautiful Choisya Sundance by the pond was there of course. It “glows” at dusk. The Clematis Montana I also inherited, and the Cordyline along with the Chamaecyparis Hedge. Several scraggy shrubs had to be removed (not by me anymore) – I used to think nothing of moving a 6ft shrub even in my sixties.
This garden is not too difficult to maintain, and my eldest daughter who lives in Scotland comes down to stay a couple times a year and works wonders, with mulching etc. She has inherited my love of gardening.
There are frogs and newts in the pond, even though there is a little wall round it. I know that frogs can climb, and it seems that newts can too. I found some fresh hedgehog droppings in the garden today, which is wonderful as we do get a lot of snails.
I’m so glad to have found GOY, some lovely people. (gardeners are.)
31 Aug, 2009
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This looks very peaceful, what a nice, quiet place to sit and contemplate life, eh?
Lovely, Mad.
31 Aug, 2009
Hello and welcome to GOY
31 Aug, 2009
Hello Mad and welcome from me too. There's plenty to keep you busy on here when you can't manage anymore gardening!
31 Aug, 2009
Welcome to GoY,Mad your garden looks lovely and peaceful nice place to sit while your thoughts away:~))))
31 Aug, 2009
Welcome :o)
31 Aug, 2009
Welcome Mad I am sure you will love being on here its a good laugh, and also useful for gardening advice........
31 Aug, 2009
Hello Mad,I`ve looked at all your photo`s and can understand what you mean about your magical garden but it would have broken your heart if you had stayed and had to watch it decline and not be able to do anything about it,your new garden might be smaller but it is lovely too .Enjoy Goy and garden the easy way..........
31 Aug, 2009
Hello Mad I do love your gardens it must be hard having to leave the other but this one will still give you pleasure and bemore manageable.
1 Sep, 2009
Hello from one mad person to another! The people who just call me mad are going to be so confused!! Or I am!!
Welcome to GoY!
2 Sep, 2009
welcome mad, hope your not quite as mad as my friend above me lol, dont think i could take it lol
3 Sep, 2009
I heard that!! :~)D
3 Sep, 2009
lol mari :o))
3 Sep, 2009
What a lovely garden Mad. I can just see you sitting there on a lovely warm summer evening.
4 Sep, 2009
A warm welcome from me too
4 Sep, 2009
bob thats a very angry looking pic you have now lol
5 Sep, 2009
Yes Mad its sad but we have to move on and I`m sure your new garden and old memories will give you lots of pleasure. I have just taken up a flower bed and put in some hard landscaping this has been done with paving slabs and old bricks that were given to me it looks a bit like a landing pad at the moment but I hope given time it will mature. I found that with arthritis this will be my last project at the age of 68 I found humping bricks and paving to make steps etc very tiring. Nothing looks very straight but then I call this rustic.
6 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by mad
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- Chelsea
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3 Jul, 2009
Hello mad...lovely to hear from you...I could go & sit on your bench right now with a nice cup of tea!
If you've swapped goldfinches for newts & frogs that's no bad thing...& as for are very lucky!
31 Aug, 2009