Don't know what I'm doing .....
By mad
Hello Everyone who has commented on my pics or anything else. I am so sorry not to respond “just like that”. Its ‘cos I still don’t know what I’m doing a lot of the time, being new to the computer world. I so much appreciate all the nice comments and other help I receive, and enjoy looking at everyone’s pictures, blogs etc. that I hardly have time for anything else. I got this laptop in June and am teaching myself, apart from a few pointers now and then from grandchildren. I’ve stopped panic-ing when things pop up and ask me things, which I have no idea what they mean.
My OLD GARDEN was not that big (25ft x 100ft) and this one is about 60ft x 20ft much of it gravelled and paved with one main bed and another smaller one next to the pond. As it is I really can’t do much, except a little bit of planting and weeding, both from a kneeling position on my kneeling stool (a boon for getting up again). My husband simply doesn’t have green fingers. He’s willing to do things, but can’t be trusted!! I recently asked him to remove the dead leaves from several clumps of primroses, some of which even had flowers! He took off every bit of top growth. I was livid. If they come back stronger and lovelier I’ll be even more livid because I’ll never hear the end of it!
I’m afraid I can’t remember the name of the lovely pink astilbes in my OLD Garden. The soil in that garden was so rich, everything thrived. It had in the past been a market garden site apparently.
I don’t want to bore anyone by talking about my ailments, but apart from the emphysema I have two other serious things wrong. I don’t mean Lazyitis either! So with this wonderful web site I can garden by proxy and revel in all your lovely comments. All the best to all. By the way Mad were my initials when I was single – maybe I am a bit too.
3 Sep, 2009
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Next post: Camera's and primroses
Thank you Lily2, you sound like an understanding and empathetic person. I find gardeners are very often nice people too. I'm just going to look at some of your pics.
3 Sep, 2009
Yes i am the same,just about getting the hang of bloging with photos but just as i getting it the wind and rain have spoilt my flowers i could SCREAM!!!! So the pics are not to good at the moment :-((
3 Sep, 2009
So windy lately, the flowers can't stand still to 'say cheese' even when it isn't raining! Good luck Swanky
3 Sep, 2009
Take your time, Mad, and you'll get there. It is very daunting when you start out on new adventures like this, but people on the site are more than willing to help if they can.
I'm sure we all look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Let us know if those primroses come back stronger than ever, then we can all congratulate Mister 'Mad'!
3 Sep, 2009
Yes Swanky, high winds in summer (?) are enough to make one scream. They have put paid to a nice group of Flax which were I suppose nearing their end, but they were flattened. I must get a digital camera soon, Mr. 'Mad' is averse to technology, so he won't be well pleased Bscott, when I also say it is to record a miracle if the primroses come back!
3 Sep, 2009
Hi Mad I enjoy talking with you and we have some fun too.
3 Sep, 2009
Hello Mad :) Well I think you are doing great, especially as you've only had your laptop since June! Don't worry about answering all the comments, just chat and join in, as and when you can (that's what I do...)
Hope your primroses come back soon...if not, tell Mr Mad he's got to buy you loads of new ones (as well as the digital camera, lol) x
3 Sep, 2009
Good luck with your NEW digital camera, Mad - the one your husband is going to buy for you...because he ruined your primroses! lol. Good thinking this end??
3 Sep, 2009
Hi Mad. It's nice that you're enjoying GoY.
3 Sep, 2009
Hey Mad I think you are doing brilliantly...especially as you haven't had a laptop for long. Lily2 is quite right...there's always help at hand if you ask on the question page. Enjoyed your blogs so far...look forward to many more!
3 Sep, 2009
Sorry i'm a bit late reading this blog Mad , but better late than never as they say, I must say you are doing great mad much better than me with your computer.keep up the good work.
16 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by mad
- Waste not want not
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- Some photos of the house in Italy
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- My daughter in Italy
12 Aug, 2010
- Big baby teeth, and all.
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- An Optical illusion - I hope
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- Chelsea
25 May, 2010
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You're doing just fine Mad, you've posted photos, done some blogs and looked at other people's stuff too. Not bad for a beginner. Doing a blog with photos IS a bit more challenging at first but I managed it and I'm a computer novice too, but learning. When I got stuck doing the blog photos, I just asked for help on the questions page and had lots of answers wthin 1/2 hour so there's always someone to advise.
Such a shame when you can't do so much in the garden but what you have looks lovely so just enjoy sitting in it. Nobody minds hearing about the problems of others so if you're ever not feeling so good and in need of moral support then GoY is a great place to find it.
I know exactly what you mean about hubbys and gardens!!
3 Sep, 2009