Holiday worries
By maewyn
Not the flight delays, sunburn or lost luggage; my main holiday worry is how the pots will cope without me.
I have a wonderful reliable friend staying for two weeks while I jet off to exotic Corfu, but I’m reluctant to ask her to water too many pots and hanging baskets, as well as the main garden (on the off chance that it gets sunny here), while also looking after the cats and the fish.
I’ve left everything that needs watering on the deck, so its all in one place, and will just hope that the seedlings survive the usual slug attacks and occassional downpour. I just read Ian digs v2’s blog showing the devastation caused by rain, so one more thing to worry about. (Thanks Ian!).
On the plus side, the tomatoes are just coming ready, Gardeners Delight living up to its name. I might have some brussels sprouts soon too, if the cabbage white’s don’t completely destroy them.
14 Jul, 2009
More blog posts by maewyn
Next post: Wild tomatoes
Welcome to GoY
Enjoy your holiday. See you when you get back.
14 Jul, 2009
Welcome to GoY, Enjoy your holiday and will look forward to some pics when you get back.
14 Jul, 2009
I know just what you mean about worrying how everything will be - many years ago we went on holiday early July (stuck with school hols at the time) & left behind a garden full of lovely healthy plants - we came back a week later to utter devastation! At the time there was only a single string of wire between us & our neighbours & they said they could see everything suffering (due to the unexpected heatwave) but didn't like to interfere by doing any watering :((
It taught us a valuable lesson i.e. if you don't ask you might not get.
14 Jul, 2009
Same worry here....I plan on utilizing "aqua globe" type items for the ones I'm most concerned about. I know there are toppers for soda may want to try and find some before you leave. Only if you have the bottles to put them on of course.
Welcome to GOY
14 Jul, 2009
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22 Oct, 2008
Try not to spoil your holiday by worrying about what may or may not be happening to your garden Maewyn. What will be, will be and I'm sure your reliable friend will take great care of it all, especially as she is living in. It looks unlikely that we shall be having another heatwave down here in the south any time soon! One of the best parts of a holiday is coming home and seeing how much everything has grown and of course a lovely welcome from the cats! Have a lovely holiday and welcome to GoY!
14 Jul, 2009