Wild tomatoes
By maewyn
Not ‘wild and crazy’, just growing wild. I did a load of weeding yesterday and the most prolific ‘weeds’ were tomato plants, sneaking in among the strawberries and leeks. I suspect the birds have been spreading the seeds. Its a shame though that it’s too late in the year for it to be worth growing them on, but I doubt any of them have time to fruit now.
Apart from that I’m deadheading like mad, taking off almost every flower head in preparation for going away for a few weeks. Fingers crossed I come back to some flowers rather than loads of dead-heads. That’s if the slugs leave any.
23 Jul, 2009
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yes i have a similar problem and i reckon its from the compost.
23 Jul, 2009
I have a big potato growing ing the middle of my lavateras. lol. I'm leaving it to see if I get a good crop. I don't know where it came from.
Pitty it's too late for the tomatoes.
25 Jul, 2009
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22 Oct, 2008
get the same thing in our raised beds, i think the seeds overwinter in the compost heap , and then when we dig this into a bed the seeds germinate , always pulling up rogue tom seedlings.never tried to pot them on though.
23 Jul, 2009