Suddenly it's got busy!
By marge
The man who comes fortnightly to cut my grass, (it should be a lawn, but is more weed and grass), has started coming again.
The seeds I planted a week ago, have grown to more than three inches high (my small bedroom has proved to be a good substitiute greenhouse), they have been repotted. I was lucky, my grandson who is four, came and helped me.
He was the “water man”, filling his assortment of jugs, bottles and sprayers from the bidet in the bathroom! leaving a trail of water down the hall, through the dining room and conservatory. It took ages to clean up after him when he went home. Small price to pay for the fun he had.
He also helped grandad with sawing and hammer and nails, he had a busy successful visit.
I showed him and my daughter Davids’ Blog where he was building a raised bed with the help of his daughter. They were fascinated with it.
I finished off repotting more seeds today on my own, it wasn’t half as much fun. It is wonderful doing things and seeing it through the eyes of a little one.
16 Mar, 2009
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Next post: Seeds, seeds and yet more seeds!
You must have had a great time with your little helper.
You reminded me of what I was like when I was little.
17 Mar, 2009
Cerato Whaaaaat???? Well done it's brilliant for the young one's to learn the proper name's of plants. I love it when the little people come over, but agree it take's ages to clean up behind them, but well worth it.
17 Mar, 2009
Its a fun time at that age and I ,ve had hours of fun in the past with my grandchildren now the girl is 11yrs old and its "Boring" and her brother who is 8yrs tends to copy her example and only helps if big sis. isn,t around............
18 Mar, 2009
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I agree - when my grandson comes, he always wants to do some gardening. His garden is a London-sized one, so no room for him to do anything there. He knows a few plant names now, and enjoys saying them... Ceratostigma is his favourite.
16 Mar, 2009