Hi, last one for today! I must turn off the computor and do some "proper work".
Some sunsets
I am doing well, my computor seems to have started behaving itself, here are some...
wild poppies
We are having new roads put in to make access for one the new digester "things" that...
I spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to get photos onto my blog-without success....
Lantana camara Bandana
This is one of my favourite plants-grows like a weed in Spain. I am never very successful...
cucumbers and gourds.
I planted a packet of green mini cucumbers, and a packet of white/ cucumbers, they...
Beans in flower.
I have planted both the "Hesta" dwarf bean, and a traditional french bean. Although...
When we were walking out of our local garden centre was one of their huge mobile...