A better day today
By marjories
Today we have had no rain which has been a real bonus.
For the last few days we have had torrential rain and it’s been very cold.
As I haven’t ventured outdoors I have completed another painting.
I have also taken a few photos of the last fallen leaves.
Unfortunately they have caused the drains to become
blocked, a job for the local council!
These two photos were taken this morning of the green in
front of our home. Blue sky what a bonus.
And this my painting of a calla lily which was in the garden.
Not Framed
22 Nov, 2016
Previous post: Super Moon
Next post: A beautiful evening sky
That's a great photo Marjorie :) and it looks very nice framed too ...
I also am glad the rain has stopped and the winds have gone down. It was quite rough wasn't it.
I hope there isn't any damage in your area.
I only went down the garden to see if I could find Bella, because she hadn't been in for a few hours and I got a bit worried ...
but I found her fast asleep in a box on some shelves in a perspex shelter lol :D
22 Nov, 2016
Hi Marjorie ... nice to see some blue sky ..
winter is a good time for indoor hobbies such as painting.
22 Nov, 2016
Thank you for your kind comments
23 Nov, 2016
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That's a lovely green to look out on Marjorie. We have had a lot of rain again today and no sunshine.
I wish I could draw/paint.
22 Nov, 2016