Look what i've just found.
Shrewsbury Flower Show 2005
This is of my friend Stan and his stand at the Flower Show, i had helped as part of his show team that year.
Looking through what pictures i have on the computer, thought this was a photo, until i clicked on to look at it – what a surprise. I can’t remember doing this, i thought the 1st one i had done was at The Minsterley Show this year (2008).
2 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Double Tuberous Begonias, what's happening next
Next post: October already!
thanks for that Mark love it
2 Sep, 2008
Must admit that i prefer a proper photo myself of plants, but i found this and thought i would share it for anyone that's interested. I do like the you tube moving pictures when the subject is moving though.
Some people do seem to like the moving pictures.
3 Sep, 2008
Maybe they don't get the blurriness that I see???? I was wondering if it was my PC....
3 Sep, 2008
My pc goes a bit blurry in places on this one, but it doesn't on the one i did at Minsterley show. This is from 2005, and filmed with an older camera, don't know if that's why, or maybe it's because the camera is moving over stationary plants as opposed to the camera staying still and recording a moving subject (i really don't know, sorry).
3 Sep, 2008
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1 Mar, 2008
Oh Mark - I'm sorry, but I do find these videos hard to watch - they go all blurry! Is it me, is it my PC or just the way it comes out on Youtube? Anyway, I'd much rather look at your beautiful photos!
2 Sep, 2008