October already!
Waltz Jubelteen (i believe)
I have been looking at some nurseries on the internet, but haven’t found one yet. I shall be continuing to look for one of these plants. The blooms are different as they seem to stand up more than most Fuchsias, not that i don’t like other Fuchsias – it’s just different, and i like it!
As for the Begonias, i watered then a little yesterday. Only about once every other week through October, then stop in November (Double Tuberous Begonias) and let them go down for winter – It’s October already, doesn’t seem long since the season started!
I’m getting a little behind with the pravodo treatment for vine weevil, still one side of one greenhouse left to do, but the others are all done now.
4 Oct, 2008
Previous post: Look what i've just found.
Next post: Computer today / plants tomorrow
I like the idea as well that this fushia lifts up more...it is more bushy...I like it...what is a vine weevil...I have vines here that seem weevil like they are the wild morning glory vine, some call bindweed...I fight it all the time. Have you had to deal with it?
5 Oct, 2008
Vine weevils are small beetles. Not to be confused with the slightly larger ground beetle. Vine weevils chew leaves.
Marksbegonias will give you a more detailed answer. :o)
5 Oct, 2008
hmmm guess I don't have those here...thanks.
5 Oct, 2008
Catfinch, Bindweed is definitely a menace in the UK too. Very difficult to eradicate if you have it.
5 Oct, 2008
Yes I do know that, it is everywhere in our area too...and it is a constant battle to keep it down. It would cover my whole house if I let it go I am sure.
5 Oct, 2008
Vine Weevils are indeed black beetles that lay eggs in, i believe, the compost. But it is the white grubs that emerge that do the real damage, they chew through the tubers of Begonias - but will also eat the roots of other plants (i don't know which others it targets, but they are a real pain on Begonias) I've often heard it refered to as the "evil weevil". Once you get it it travels from plant to plant if you don't stop it. Once the plants are down and just the tubers are left, it will still go for the tubers and a tell tale sign is what looks like a little pile of saw dust by the tuber where they have burrowed into the tuber.
5 Oct, 2008
Mark - I checked Plant Finder for you and there are two stockists in your area:
Jackson's Nurseries
Nr Tamworth, Staffordshire,
B79 0AP
Ward Fuchsias
Sale, Cheshire,
M33 3LS
Hope you find it - Andrewr
5 Oct, 2008
Thanks for that information, i shall write to them both to try and find one of these plants.
5 Oct, 2008
~I am sure Gower Fuchsias have got it too~ if you have a look at the pictures on their site~ you'll be amazed at what they have got!
18 Nov, 2008
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Yes, some fuchsias need to be seen from below to appreciate their beauty. I guess these types which stand up could be displayed nearer to the ground?
Sounds like you are working hard as usual. :o)
5 Oct, 2008