Fruit trees
Poor fruit trees they have been blown all over the place by wind in the last two days, am wondering if I will have any fruits left on them at this rate :(
Fruits are, apricots, 2 Victoria plums, cherry and conference pear, I must buy an apple tree.
11 May, 2014
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For once, we haven't had the winds....yet! Thank goodness, as I hate winds, especially when they destroy your fruit crops! It will all calm down soon..hang on to your hats!
11 May, 2014
Right you both are..yesterday I was in and out..hat kept blowing away...I pruned a lot of shrubs, lots more light in the garden now, especially in the rose garden....lots going on in there..loads of buds just waiting to burst open...
11 May, 2014
You are very lucky Karen, the easterly wind is very naughty, it is very open here...nothing stays in one place for long :(
11 May, 2014
We're having the March winds and April showers over here Michaella, battened down the hatches and hoping I haven't missed anything, there is a garden show on the meadows today, my daughter and I popped down and it was a case of have a quick look whilst dodging the rain, buy some veg plants, admire lots of others and then run back to the car, lol..
11 May, 2014
I hope the damage is not bad. A little thinning does more good than harm. Very windy here too yesterday, but there is nothing in my garden to damage.
11 May, 2014
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Its the same here Michaella, blossom all over the floor, water stood in all the gullies in the garden borders. Little plastic greenhouse nearly lifting off its pegs. But good weather on its way for next week, keep your hat pegged down fast or it will blow away. More like March winds here. Hope those fruit trees survive or should I say the fruits. :O(
11 May, 2014