My Somerset Garden, Day 7
By micky45
Hello Friends
Ive just been looking out the patio doors with a heavy heart and ever wondering how this mess turns into such a beautiful thing? we have a Wisteria growing onto the pergola but to be quite honest it’s not done too well since it’s been in, hardly any flowers, I know that rome wasn’t built in a day but come on! or am i thinking it should be further on, maybe i’m not pruning it right!?
I’ve bought my geraniums “pelargoniums” indoors and re-potted them as house plants, they are really picking up well with fresh new growth, I am hoping to take cuttings off them for next year, I’m not a big bedding plant fan but I love the vibrant colours of these chaps to add cheer to any situation “and now the house” love that earthy smell to them too!
The cats are all holed in the house at the moment and only go out when necessary! mind you, I don’t intend to venture out today as i’m just going to enjoy my rest days relaxing and writing my blogs.
There are still the odd roses coming out, the silver jubilee, the deep secret at the front and the sheilas perfume at the back, 3 new buds! My friend Pippa has got that rose so we have a competition to see how it’s doing! "we now call it Sheila’s wheels after the insurance advert for a bit of fun!!
We both have Zephrine Droughin too, that’s a nice one too, pink and very fragrant.
I got Pippa into Verbena Bonariensis, we call them VB’s, it saves you getting tongue tied and I think is a great abbreviation!!
We also have a passion for Passion flowers too, but Pippa got me into those, it’s great to have a close gardening friend, we get together in summer and chat about plants over a couple of glasses of pear cider, it’s great fun, I hope we will be friends for life! “i think we will”
She had 8 ft high sweet peas this year! she was feeding them with tesco’s own feed, I couldn’t believe the size of them, unfortunately they got a hammering from the wind and we had to cut them down as they looked really messy.
Gardening is great fun and that’s the way it should be, it’s nice to compare and share tips and advice, that’s why i like it here, i feel as though I have a gardening family!
Did anyone have a problem with wasps this year? we were having loads, it was like an invasion, they make me cringe and although they are good for the garden “and i know they eat aphids and are no problem up till July” BUT they go all wappy and stupid after that till the cold sorts them out, I got stung 3 times on my wrist at once as i was in a friends garden near a nest i didn’t know about, i was lucky it was only 3 times, I just ran round the garden going aaaaaggghhh! the feeling went up to my elbow, i called my other half up on the phone as my friend was out, i was going come quick, i’ve been stung, please please!! I bet if anyone was watching through a hedge they probably watered the damm thing laughing at me!! i laugh now but at the time it was agony!! itches like crazy as well.
I’m going to go now as i have a bit of cleaning to do, “what was i saying bout relaxing”!!! I will be vacuuming the house so cat’s and dog beware, you may end up in the bag! ha ha
Bye for now, and enjoy the pics.
Some of the garden in construction and early stages, nightmare at times!!
regards, Mick
16 Dec, 2009
Previous post: My Somerset garden, Day 6
Next post: My Somerset Garden, Day 8
wow what a view you have from the garden there micky stunning!! ,wet and miserable hear in manchester too tulsa.
16 Dec, 2009
I want some of the white stuff for christmas.
16 Dec, 2009
I don't - I am a snow-hater, Tulsa! Anyway, if it got too bad, we wouldn't be able to travel down to be with our family for Christmas!
S**w is pretty to look at out of the window and in photos, but that's all, as far as I'm concerned....sorry....
Micky - you have one of my favourite roses - Zepherine Drouhin! I like VB as well - mine seed themselves all over the place. Can I get them to germinate from a packet of seeds, though? NO!!
16 Dec, 2009
Sorry Spritz that was selfish of me, I wasn't thinking.
16 Dec, 2009
I'm with you on snow Barbara i only like to look at it on photos etc.Micky i have some VBs and i think there fab in the garden. always look so tall and proud in the border and flower for months, i can't grow them from packet of seeds either, but i find i've taken some cuttings to see if they will take.
16 Dec, 2009
Your garden is so full of promise, bet you can't wait to be out there in warmer weather micky45. At least you can sit and plan in your relaxing times. I always used to do garden planning in bed, in my head as I was 'dropping off'. Only trouble was that as I did drop off, the ideas would get more and more like Alice in Wonderland
Your view is lovely and that is something you have all year round, assuming you can see it from the house. Hope you enjoy your rest days.
16 Dec, 2009
Another good blog,Mickey.I love VBs too.I got my seeds free with a well known gardening magazine,about 4 years ago,and they germinated well.I have tried them every year since,and like Clarice andSpritzhenry, no luck !
i have given up,and let them self seed,seems to work better.....
Lousy weather here too,Micky,but been as far as the shed,as my Amaryllis,although staked from the beginning,was looking like the leaning tower of Pisa.!,so needed a stronger support.My hubby bought it 2 weeks ago,and it ws 4" tall,it is now 18" with 2 lovely orange flowers,and 2 to still open.Think It should have had scaffolding really.:o))
16 Dec, 2009
garden looking great,, and wow that view, i would sit there all day ;o))
16 Dec, 2009
That looks really good so far,it will be lovely to sit and look back on this and with that great view to. You have almost finished the structure then comes the pleasure of planting it and watching it grow. Sounds to me as if you had a wasp nest near you? Did you notice where they were coming to and from? Every time we have been bothered by wasps its because there is a nest near.
16 Dec, 2009
Love the pics and the blog Mickey...VB's are a fav of mine....Zephrine Droughin is a lovely rose...thornless isnt it Mickey?..:>)
20 Dec, 2009
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Morning Micky I enjoyed reading your blog the garden is coming along great. it's a misserable day here today,dark and misty with rain.
16 Dec, 2009