My Somerset Garden 27th Febuary 2009
By micky45
Hi There dear friends.
I’ve been off for quite some time now but hopefully I can make a more regular appearance as my commitments have now settled down, I got ill with that flu/cold/cough thing for most of January and now have got an injured shoulder which is really agonising at times, I also caught my sciatic nerve the other day and boy! that was painful, ha ha, I’m a walking disaster aren’t i !! I went to the doctors and he wrote me a prescription for anti Inflammatory tablets, “oh no, I am not taking them things, I will find a way without them!!”
We’ve had a very prolonged winter really and apart from a few brief moments it has been quite relentless! I don’t think were out the woods yet BUT I think it is turning now as we head full steam into March.
I do feel that one day out of the blue spring will arrive with a vengeance, I hope so, A good sign is the Black bird singing his little head off near us on the early evening, what a treat!
A walk in the garden and a sharp eye will prove that spring is on the way, even though it’s bitter cold at times it is worth wrapping up warm to explore and discover the new shoots and growth.
The honeysuckle Belgica is full of healthy buds and ready for off! the Lilac at the back is awash with buds ready to burst open, the geraniums have nice healthy closed up shoots just ready to pop! and the Wild primroses are gearing up for their spring show of sweet smelling pretty flowers that cover the leaves almost totally.
The daffodils and tulips are in pots and look quite good and will be sunk into their final positions in a few weeks, I finally got the daffodils in pots and they are coming on great guns too!
Nature is wonderful and never fails to amaze us , plants are in general a lot hardier than we give them credit for and it is thrilling and magical to see our little gems coming alive again.
I saved my Pelargoniums and they are all looking quite healthy, I sort of left them to their own devices and as you can see they are still trying to flower although they shouldn’t be really! good job we have an en-suite! as they are in the bath resting ready for me to take cuttings for the summer!
Here are a few pics
Regards, Mick.
27 Feb, 2010
Previous post: My Somerset Garden,day 12 and 13!!
Next post: My Somerset Garden 3rd March 2010.
It is a good job you have the luxury of two baths - the pelargoniums look very happy there. Why not fill it with compost and make a feature of it? LOL.
Glad you're over the flu and hope the rest clear up soon. :-)
27 Feb, 2010
lol spritz :o)
27 Feb, 2010
sound like me micky get rid of one thing and another thing starts, lets hope you soon feel ok and summer makes you feel better to
27 Feb, 2010
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who puts plants in the bath lol
27 Feb, 2010
Oh dear Mick sounds like you`ve been having a nasty time of it, hopefully you are perking up a bit now, love your bath planter they are looking good, as you say lots of new cuttings to come off them.........
27 Feb, 2010
Hi sanbaz
Thanks, I'm sure the sun will wake us and revitilise and put some cheer back into our lives, hope it comes soon!
28 Feb, 2010
Hi Hywel
Yes, that bath really is essential, it comes in handy for a bath now and again!
28 Feb, 2010
Thanks Barbara
That's a good idea! the cats may use it as an indoor toilet though, maybe not lol!
Thanks for wishing me well, it makes me feel better too!
28 Feb, 2010
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oh dear i hope you are feeling better mick,lol at your plants in the bath...
27 Feb, 2010