Wildflower of the week 2....Feverfew- Chrysanthemum parthenium
By mookins
Reclassed as Tanacetum parthernium, feverfew was also once known as Flirtwort.
From the daisy family very similar to the garden daisy in size and also in colour with small white petals and the yellow centre with foilage oblong in shape toothed and aromatic yellowy green in colour. Easily distinguished from chamomile flowers as they ahve conical shaped centres whilst the feverfew are flat.
Looks at its best in alarge group and at its best in well drained or even dry locations. Spreads manically if not cut down after flowering (thats if you can grow it)
I have yet to be able to grow this from seed in multi purpose compost in the greenhouse so will try again and the average everyday soil whilst making it gritty too to help with drainage and see how it goes from there but outside.
The whole plant is strongly aromatic and the leaves are apparently bitter tasting.golden feverfew is more compact in growth then the wild feverfew.
Widely know in recent years as a medicinal herb for treating fever, indegestion and also as a sedative taken as a fresh leaf or tablet form. has now been treated as a major importance for migraines and rhumatism and in Britain is a registered medicine where it has been extensively researched.
The leaves can be used in small amounts to cut the greasy flavour from food, used as infused as a mild disinfectant or dried to deter moths, in the 17th century this was used as the first commercial skin lotion apparently for removing freckles and blemishes (why anyone would want to remove freckles is beyond me, but this was probably the fashion of that time)
In trials 70% of testers experience reduced migrains and 43% felt beneficial side effects while 18% reported unpleasant side effects
the leaf and flower can be infused as a mild sedative, a tonic for the appetitie and also to relieve muscle spasms. the leaf also once used for vertigo sufferers and also a laxative.
once again the picture has been borrowed as I havent yet managed to grow any
A s with all herbal medicines care should always be taken and to consult a doctor before hand. never take anyform whilst pregnant
4 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Mookins on tour
they remind me of little babies in bonnets
x x x
4 Jun, 2009
Thanks Mookins,I have this in my garden and now can put a name to it,it is pretty so although I have to keep a close watch over it (gets everywhere else) always leave some and yes it leaves a horrible smell on my hands when removing what I dont want.....
4 Jun, 2009
Thanks Mookins! I really ought to try some of it for my frequent headaches. I also get muscle spasms. Will look up how to drink it! xoxoxo
4 Jun, 2009
You can also eat it in a sandwich... but im sure a drink would be nicer caftnutter
x x x
lincslass, like I said in my blog Im trying again to grow it typical ive got all the creeping buttercup in the world, but cant grow this
x x x
bernieh its a very pretty one i sometimes think the wildflowers are prettier than a lot of the garden plants we buy
x x x
4 Jun, 2009
Mookins, I'll have to give that a go, when I've got one as a plant! Have to hunt one out now! I'm gonna cheat and buy one!
4 Jun, 2009
a bit of history for ya mookins...My grandmother told of when she was a young girl of working in the garden in
90 F weather with arms and legs totally covered and large hats...the reason? so they wouldn't become tan...being white was the sign of beauty at that time. Thus the reason for the fairy tale "Snow White"
Now it is quite the opposite.
4 Jun, 2009
wow! how times have changed like you say now is quite the opposite, and in some cases orange is supposed to be the "in" shade to be hehehe
x x x
4 Jun, 2009
good blog jen,, could do with some of these, think i need a sedative lol
4 Jun, 2009
Thank you Mookins, I enjoyed your blog. One trouble is that it isn't much use to me as I don't need a tonic for my appetite, I don't get muscle spasms as I don't have any muscles, I don't suffer from vertigo and as for needing a laxative. I sometimes do need a mild sedative though, especially if I've done something to displease "Er indoors" and I'm scared she'll find out.
4 Jun, 2009
sedative definatly seems to be a winner guys and gals, sanbaz what are you like hehe
Toto you could always groww some to hide behind in case "er indoors" has found out!!
thanks for all your support peeps
tune in next week
x x x
4 Jun, 2009
Toto, you're sooooo funny! Lol!!
Mookins, looking forward to it sweetie!
4 Jun, 2009
lol jen,,, cant wait to go away thats what it is ,, going crazy hehehe
4 Jun, 2009
White skin was fashionable because it showed you didn't have to work out in the sun, ie you had someone to do it for you
Then suntans became the 'in' thing because you could afford to go somewhere sunny to get one
4 Jun, 2009
and the point is andrew lol,, sorry im not getting the point heheh
4 Jun, 2009
I have this all over the garden mine is a double form though, will post some pics when its out, its in bud at the moment, its easy to pull out though if it gets somewhere you don't want it, i wouldn't be without it its so pretty.
5 Jun, 2009
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This one is very pretty - love the white wildflowers they are just so cheerful.
4 Jun, 2009